Juan de la Cruz / St John of the Cross-Sofia

Sofia Wahlstedt sofia_wahlstedtaHOTMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 24 03:24:45 PST 2003


I agree with you, it's not easy reading, I struggled with his books too. I find it easier to read books written about him, where someone tries to explain his writings. Or even better, to discuss them with someone who knows more about them than I do... I'm sure I don't understand his theories properly yet, but I'm working on it, bit by bit. If you are interested in Juan de la Cruz I think you might also appreciate Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, the Persian poet. They have many things in common, and it's interesting to compare them. One is a christian and one is a sufi, and still, they are writing about the very same thing...


  Hi Sofia, I've been tackling his poems over the years and have experienced difficulties in liking/understanding his particular style of mystic writing. Many monastic references, including Thomas Merton, are made re:  him. This  is why am reading his bio, which, to tell u the truth, am finding boring. Nonetheless, am trucking on with him, expanding horizons here!
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