1. music 2.witches in Galicia, 3. pre christian pilgrimage?

Xosé Manuel Alvariño AlvaxmaAOL.COM
Sun Feb 23 14:45:12 PST 2003

In a message dated 2/23/2003 4:45:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
maurasantangeloaSTNY.RR.COM writes:

> 1. Does anyone know whether there is any music, type or period, that is
> associated with the camino?

OS SONS DO PORTICO DA GLORIA, by In itinere. Has the Cantigas de Santa Maria, 
by Alfonso X,  o Sabio, X111th cent.; the Codice Calixtino, XIIth cent., and 
cancioneiro galego-portugues, has various pieces from the Xth - XIII cent.

O CAMINHO, by Milladoiro

 LES PELLERINES (La mode du Pelerinage dans la France du Baroque)


> 2.  While checking an Italian site I came across a reference to the
> witches of Galicia.  Does anyone know anything about them?

    They are called meigas, date back to the Celts.You can find a lot of 
info. about meigas, queimada, etc.,  in Santiago. There are (religious) 
rituals that take place, still, in the outskirts of Santiago and in various 
places in Galicia. Meigas occupy an important role in these.

> 3.  is there a history of the pilgrimage in the same place in pre-christian 
> eras?
> Hmm...I believe so...
> Xosé Manuel

> Thanks for any information

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