questions! : carrying water

Carlos Mentley mentleyaERSKINE.EDU
Thu Feb 6 10:10:39 PST 2003

David planning Le Chemin de St Jacques/El Camino de Santiago wrote:

> Here's a question I hadn't thought of before:   since I began long distance
> hiking, I've come to prefer gatorade-type drinks above all else - refreshing
> even when tepid, no beery complications.
> I don't need real gatorade, but I am wondering if there is something similar
> widely available in France and Spain?    What would I ask for, generically
> speaking?     Buying premixed (rather than mixing my own from powder) avoids
> questions about whether the local fuente is good enough to drink - an issue
> for me since I am rather sensitive to digestive upsets.

In Spain at least, the local Gatorade style drink is called Aquarius (it is, in
fact, a Coca-Cola product).  It comes in several flavors, is available in most
bars, supermercados and smaller grocery stores, as well as in many vending
machines.  In addition to coming in (I think) half-liter and in one liter
plastic bottles, it also comes in 33 cl. cans.  I do not know if it comes
powdered or not--I've never looked for that.  I recommend it highly!

--Carlos Mentley

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