(To Galen) re Presentations / Writing

Galen Wilkerson galen_wilkersonaYAHOO.COM
Fri Dec 12 23:39:23 PST 2003

Very cool, this is working!  Very glad it might help us write. :)

I'm a little scared that I might overload the new group messages.  I was
just writing a message on the new list, and decided not to post it.  I can
be pretty facetious or tongue-in-cheek, and I'm worried not everyone will
always get it.  Also, I can be rather irreverent.  If I am, it is not meant
to offend anyone.  My experience of the camino had more to do with the
outdoors and meeting people than anything else, and I enjoy humor, Bill
Bryson is a good example.  Also, reverence itself might be a topic I want
to address, which I'll talk about later.  I really look forward to people's
submissions.  By the way, I wouldn't feel that you are "publishing" it when
you send it to the "ramble" (name of the new list).  Personally, I will
think of it as a space to brainstorm, throw out general ideas for feedback,

If you do post something to the list, it might help if you put something at
the beginning about what kind of feedback would help, what you are aiming
for, who your audience is, etc.  Or not, just a thought.

Mucho coolo about the writing prize.  That's exciting.


On Fri, 12 Dec 2003 18:11:29 -0800, Lydia Banales <lydiaaBANALES.NET> wrote:

>Me, too. I love to write but need practice. Thanks, Galen. Lydia
>Maura Santangelo wrote:
>> Galen,
>> just signed up,
>> I'll see you there.

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