(To Galen) re Presentations / Writing

Galen Wilkerson galen_wilkersonaYAHOO.COM
Thu Dec 11 11:17:48 PST 2003


Yes, I thought of this.  I have a problem in that I am currently in a fairly rural area.
Also, I am interested in finding people who have had similar experiences.

If I am still in this location  next semester, I will try to get some people together.
During the "winter break", the main source of people who would be interested - the
university- closes down.


On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 16:33:13 -0500, Maura Santangelo <
maurasantangeloaSTNY.RR.COM> wrote:

>find a writer's group near you or create one if one does not yet exist.
>  You are right it helps to have other writers critique your work.  Or
>take a writing workshop to start.  Just learning myself.

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