An odd coincidence

Crawley, Jeffrey jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Mon Aug 11 01:28:19 PDT 2003

Back in 2001 I walked from Portomarin to Santiago in the company of a charming German student called Birgit and last saw her as she headed off to the airport in the pouring rain. We corresponded for a short while and then lost contact.

Imagine my surprise to receive a text message from my daughter who was spending the weekend in the Youth Hostel in Bath, western England, saying:

'Did you remember walking the camino with a German girl called Burgeda (sic)?'

on replying 'if you mean Birgit, yes' I was then told:

'well she's here in our YH and we've just been talking about you!'

As the world shrinks the coincidences get bigger.

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