Holy Week in Seville

William Marques williammarquesaTESCO.NET
Wed Aug 6 01:22:35 PDT 2003

Holy Week in Seville is very, very crowded and the hotels not only put
their prices up to the peak rate but also book up very early. If you are
aiming to start the Via de la Plata that week and stay in Seville you had
better start planning soon.
It  could be both glorious and terrible. The crowds will be a contrast to
the quiet days to come.

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, athena  wrote:

>Last spring someone on the list mentioned going to Seville for Holy Week.
Has anyone here now done this? Is it a terrible crowd? I will begin to walk
the week after Easter from Seville and am trying to decide whether to spend
time there during Holy Week.
>It could be glorious...or terrible.

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