Weather over the Pass

Rebekah Scott rebritesaYAHOO.COM
Wed Apr 30 07:10:40 PDT 2003

Dear Helen:I started one April day from Roncesvalles; there was snow on the ground and cold wind, but the main obstacle that day was MUD. Up to the ankle mud and sucked the boots right off your feet. It was miserable going, and conditions only improved marginally as the day wore on. It was a killer start, I think it weeded out the faint-of-heart.  I, too, wanted to start early in the season to avoid the crowds. It still was crowded in places, though; there was a very silly and pointless rush by some people from auberge to auberge each day to ensure a good bed; it utterly defeats the purpose of the walk, I think!  Starting over the Pass in March, I think, would be pretty chancey. But April is more misery than danger. And the first day was, indeed the hardest; the rest of the trip was not WAY overcrowded, but enough to really amaze me. (I did a Leon-Santiago hike back in 1993.)  Good luck!Rebekah

Rebekah Scott, journalista
'The more I learn, the less I know.'

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