
Richard Ferguson peregrinoaATT.NET
Sat Apr 12 15:58:04 PDT 2003

I think that if you do the Camino by yourself, you are not escaping at all.
Even if you are escaping your job or whatever, you will end up facing
yourself and who you are on the trail.  I know that I found it a big learning
experience, although it took me six months to fully understand what I had
learned on the Camino.

I think also that for many people, the Camino starts to pull you, that you
feel that you must go.  In that circumstance, you are facing the Camino,
not escaping the rest of your life, which you will return to soon enough in
any event.

I guess if someone comes back from the Camino and leaves on another
trip right away, perhaps that is escapism.  But even then the trips might
force you to look at what you are escaping, in which case you are again
facing reality rather than escaping it.


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