Iron Cross

Jeffrey Crawley jeffrey.crawleyaDOVER.GOV.UK
Thu Sep 19 00:58:50 PDT 2002

While I was working at Rabanal in July a young Polish pilgrim came
through.  Adam had walked all the way from Gdansk in Poland and while
camping on a French farm had been asked to take a stone to the Ferro Cruz.
It was a bout the size of a baseball and, as he already had two, asked if
he could have one a bit smaller.

The next day he felt rather churlish about this he collected a rock
weighing about 6kg (about 14lbs or 1 stone weight - for the english English
speakers amongst us)and carried it all the way - about 800 miles.

He decided not to stay in the refugio as he wanted to camp at the cross.
It was a cold and windy night so we sent up a flask of hot chocolate drink
together with bread and jams.

Adam had successfully weathered the night and was up and policing the trash
around the area - someone said later it hadn't been that clean in months.

Adam, wherever you are Salud!

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