What I've learned from the ListServe

Marcia Whitney-Schenck CHRNARTSaAOL.COM
Mon May 13 16:05:27 PDT 2002

My sister-in-law and I are preparing to leave for Spain on May 28th. We will
start the pilgrimage at Burgos. This is what I've gleaned from the ListServe:

I. Handy items to include:
   -- Large safety pins and line to hang laundry.
   -- Eating utensils.

2. Special tips:
   -- Identify your all-purpose towel. (Mine now has a delightful stitched
image of a
   lion and a lamb.)

3. Reduce weight in pack:
   -- I noted the recent discussion on sleeping bags versus sleeping sacks. I
purchased a sleeping sack and a Therm-A-Rest pad (looks like eggshell

4. Don't judge motivations:
   -- I read Pilgrimage: Adventures of the Spirit, edited by Sean O'Reilly
and James O'Reilly (published by Travelers' Tales, San Francisco) a
collection of essays on contemporary pilgrims of all faiths. Highly

I was confused at first about people's identities. I thought it strange that
so many people had the name of Ultreya!

Blessings and thanks soulmates.

Marcia from Chicago (chrnartsaaol.com)

P.S. Pieter and Trigo from Holland must be delightful people.
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