Bull fight

Jason Young garranosaBTOPENWORLD.COM
Wed Mar 13 09:26:12 PST 2002

It is not quite out of hand yet, but it soon will be if attitudes and
behaviours don't change! It has already exceeded its carrying capacity and
pilgrim/tourist numbers are still on the rise due to the amount of publicity
it receives. It's already being sold as a package by some local
entrepreneurs, so it won't be long before the big boys step in! If the
creators of novels and guides were to briefly talk about sustainable
management techniques or even pilgrim codes of conduct then I'm sure that
this would help alleviate the problems or at least highlight them! Is there
a pilgrim behavioural code? Is there a Camino Concern group? I don't know!

Ultreya - Jason
Jason Young from England
e-mail: garranosabtopenworld.com

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