G-C membership and Gathering photo

Robert Spenger rspengeraADELPHIA.NET
Mon Mar 11 15:54:19 PST 2002

Linda and members,

Seven hundred  - that's fantastic. G-C has reached the point that the old UCLA
group was at and it has taken only 16 months. Congratulations!

Obviously, there are about 400 members of this group that do not have access to
the Yahoo group Santiagobis (306 members as of today). I had sent a notice
earlier about Pieter's Gathering photo which is posted in the files of that group
and there was a couple of messages in response to it. However, today, I received
a message from Pieter asking me to notify the G-C members about the existence of
that file, so this is a second notice. I have also sent a revised version of the
photo, with numbers in place of the faces, so that a numbered list of the people
can be made up. I had tentatively identified a couple of people that I knew from
S.F. (CA) and S.F.(NM) and Pieter has identified a few more (including you,
Linda) in a message to the S-bis group . I would hope that other attendees would
check out the two versions of the photo and help to fill in the gaps.

I realize that a lot of people get so much e-mail that they don't really need an
additional group to add to the flood. So I am not trying to plug the other group.
Nor do I suggest that anyone switch. Both groups serve a purpose and each has its
advantages and disadvantages. There is a lot of overlap in both content and
membership. The major differences are that G-C has an academic base - no
advertising banners, but certain limitations imposed by university officials.
S-bis, under the auspices of Yahoo, is free, but Yahoo has to make money out of
it somewhere; thus the ad banners, which are often downright annoying. Yahoo also
allows only a small viewing area for messages and there is no way to save a
message. As a result, editing an outgoing message is difficult.

It has certain advantages. Members can block direct e-mail to their mailboxes and
just check the group home page occasionally to look for items of interest.
Attachments, like photos, maps, and long narratives, can be sent to the files for
viewing by other members.

Enough. I don't know what the line limit is, but I don't want to push it.



davidson wrote:

> Hi, Go-camino-ers
> Membership has just "hit" 700 !!
> Linda D

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