Volunteering at a refugio

Ana Young ayoung2001aYAHOO.COM
Sun Jan 27 04:11:45 PST 2002

--- Patty Sheneman <ToulouzaWEBTV.NET> wrote:
> lin
> what is it like to volunteer at a refugio, and how
> does one go about
> doing that---sounds like fun---
> does a person have to speak spanish?

I think in a lot of cases you have to BE Spanish - or
at least Portuguese or Brazilian or something. There's
an organization, AACS (Asociacion de Amigos del Camino
de Santiago) that I think gives courses for
hospitaleros but from what I heard they don't accept
foreigners. There are other nationalities who
volunteer, of course, we've all seen them, so it must
be possible. But so far, what I've heard is that
they're all citizens of the EU or Brazilians.

I'd love to do it. I'd do it year-round if I could...


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