Safety Issues

JohnandIda09aAOL.COM JohnandIda09aAOL.COM
Wed Jan 16 19:37:23 PST 2002

A German man I walked with several days received
a terrible bite from a dog in Terradillos. It was a
black German Shepherd on the grounds of the
refugio. He stooped to pet it and noticed a strange
look in its eyes. As he pulled away the dog ripped
open his hand. It was a long time healing but he
eventually completed his Camino. Apparently the
dog had been run over by a tractor last year and
has been crazy ever since.

After hearing of this, I stopped my habit of petting
every dog I saw on the Camino. One bad apple...

It didn't, however, stop me from picking up a plastic sack full of 3-day
old puppies I found along the Camino near Rabanal.
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