
Howard Murphy HmcellardykeaAOL.COM
Fri Jan 11 12:57:30 PST 2002

In a message dated 11/01/02 05:35:26 GMT Standard Time,
anthony.dysonaWANEWS.COM.AU writes:

<< The one thing that emerges very clearly from Shirley Mac's book is that
 she is in serious need of professional psychiatric help.
 She was a marvellous dancer and perhaps should have stuck to that trade.

Not very charitable and unless you have professional qualifications and are
prepared to state them not creditable either.

My own pilgrimage provided many occasions of compassion and a desire to help
from people from all walks of life both Spanish and from many countries
I never met any of the so called cheaters that are often referred to because
I hold the belief that those who are on the CamIno making the journey to
Santiago are all pilgrims. Also aware If judgement is required I know it will
come from more qualified sources than myself.

Perhaps authors who make no attempt to gain practical information by a visit
to the
area meet your approval. In the case of Paulo Coelho having met with him face
to face I can write he makes no claim to have walked the camino from end to
I have all of his books and although I do not agree or understand much of
what he writes I consider the loss to be mine and would never condemn the
many that do.
Never having read more than a review of Shirley MacLane's book my sentiments
are the same.
Kind regards,

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