Excessive number of posting on GoCamino

Jennifer Holleman jhollemanaGTS.GATXCAP.COM
Fri Feb 15 11:00:04 PST 2002

I must say that your email was well stated.

I myself truly enjoy the messages that are sent between individuals on the
listserver. I have not traveled very much and am in the beginning stages of
my search for deeper meaning, so I do not have much to say. BUT I enjoy
being enlighten by others who have been down the path, have found the
meaning and have inspiring stories/knowledge to share.

It is a shame that someone would express themselves in the way that E.O.
Peterson has. And if I may quote the owners of the website...
"You may want to join the e-mail discussion list that we support. There you
will find substantive conversations regarding all aspects of the pilgrimage

Remind you ALL ASPECTS of the pilgrimage, and I do believe that the
spiritual aspect is a very HUGE aspect of the pilgrimage.
Thank you for standing up for yOUR right Andrea!!!

Jennifer Holleman

                      "Weddel, Jennifer"
                      <Jennifer.WeddelaMAIL        To:       GOCAMINOaPETE.URI.EDU
                      .HOUSE.GOV>                  cc:
                      Sent by: Road to             Subject:  Re: Excessive number of postings on GoCamino
                      Santiago Pilgrimage

                      02/15/02 01:35 PM
                      Please respond to
                      Road to Santiago


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Innes-Michailov [mailto:andreaaCORP.IDT.NET]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: Excessive number of postings on GoCamino

To Andrea Innes-Michailov
February 15, 2002

When you are engaging in personal conversations with other members of
GoCamino, would you please respond directly to their email addresses and
spam all members of the group with your new age musings and seemingly
supply of personal anecdotes.  GoCamino, as I understand it, is a service
from a University for those with academic and practical interests in topics

related to the Camino. Over the past few days I have counted more than a
dozen postings from you, none of them ones I find interesting, useful or
relevant to the purposes of GoCamino, a sentiment I suspect other members
the GoCamino list share. In the future if you continue this excessive
of postings, I simply will not have the time to read most of them and will
resent the several minutes a day I must spend deleting them.

If you feel there is a reason for a group for discussion of new age
"spiritual" issues related to the Camino, then it is quite easy to set up
discussion groups on the Internet, and through servers like Yahoo and MSN
there is no charge to do so.   I strongly recommend that you set up such a
group and ask the members of GoCamino who share your new age interests to
join you at that address.


E. O. Pederson
Seattle, WA

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