hiking boots and all that

Wed Feb 6 08:04:01 PST 2002

 Lori Key <L.KeyaAIS.AT> asked:

>I will be experiencing the camino this summer (mid-June to August) and I
>need advice on boots. While I'm active and fit, I am not really an
<outdoorgal, and so I don't own, and have never owned, hiking boots. I
<live in Austria and can get European and/or some imported American

>Any suggestions --about specific boots or anything else for the camino
>at this time of year-- would be great.

Lori, I asked this question last year and had a lot of helpful replies.
I looked at boots and prices all over the world and in the end bought
these (Uluru model) in Australia. I have since worn them and can
recommend them for comfort, strength and the service from Bunyip Boots
is great. I did it all via e-mail and their site. Diane was the person
who advised me.


Good luck,


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