Looking for fellow travelers for Camino pilgrimage

Liza Van Peski vanpeskiaHYPERNET.COM
Thu Dec 12 17:20:37 PST 2002

Dear Phil,

What sets you off on the camino? How did you hear about it? I am
fascinated to find someone else headed there from so close to home. Did
I understand that you are planning to go at the end of this month?
Won't be as cold as it is here (except perhaps in the mountains), but
We're in Belfast. Close!

Liza Van Peski
"name: Philip J. Judd" wrote:

> Dear Liza,
> I live in Augusta. I don't know much. I would assume May will be fine.
> I am not planning to Camp outside but could if I have to. I am bring
> an air mattress(thermo???) from LLBeans. Phil Judd
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