GoCamino and New York City & Washington Events

Elizabeth Boylston-Morris TagelleaAOL.COM
Fri Sep 14 18:19:15 PDT 2001

When I first read your message about precluding references to our recent
national tragedy in this list I thought it might be a hoax in bad taste, like
those false bomb threats. But it does seem to be genuine.
As I understand it, and feel it, the spirit of the Santiago pilgrimage is a
search for spiritual kindness resulting in meaningful human companionship
and understanding and the soul-comfort that such sentiments  bring.  Hundreds
of messages from pilgrims attest to the meaning,  warmth,  and insights into
the human heart that communion with other pilgrims brings.
In view of this, your message is puzzling and disturbing..... it appears to
be not only unchristian,  but directly against the purpose and meaning of the
Santiago Pilgrimage.  That your message was sent today, the day of National
Mourning, makes it also vaguely un-American.
Mourning, in its original ancient meaning, consists of offering comfort in
companionship in times of human need.  Never, in my lifetime, had our country
needed such companionship as it does in this moment, and, as the messages
posted show, it was freely offered here and gratefully received, as St. James
would most certainly would have wished it to be.
The insensitivity and the timing of your message are incomprehensible to me
and make me sad.
I now feel the need to ask you to unsubscribe me from this list, and to
remove my name from membership of the not so friendly, as it turns out,
chapter of the "Friends" of Santiago under your stewardship.
I shall find another venues to continue my devotion, contributions and
commitment to the Pilgrimage to Santiago..... that universal and human
pursuit for the community of the human heart.

Elizabeth Boylston-Morris

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