Universal Law of Recompense was Donkeys and the Camino

Howard Murphy HmcellardykeaAOL.COM
Wed Nov 21 08:48:34 PST 2001

In a message dated 21/11/01 03:33:58 GMT Standard Time, barryevans9aYAHOO.COM
> gee, what did i start here?!
>  i wasn't reading anything more than Howard (who sent me a very sweet
>  private email outlining his historical run-ins with thievery, thank
>  you Howard--(that's Howard from Fife, not the NY one) wrote. Just
>  offering a alternative pov that might have alleviated some of his
>  angst. Sounds as if it might have had the opposite effect for some?
>  We try...
>  Ultrasomethingorother,
>  barry evans
Dear Barry,
That is the wonderful thing about the list being able to express how you feel
and then reading the differing opinions many times it widens into a source of
information that is very interesting such as Craig's: <<Theologians call it
the "Universal Law of Recompense". .>>>

Yes, sometimes too we see red but it is not often that we get out of hand and
there are always the stalwarts ready to add the gentle touch of the governing
So our albergue remains a happy home embracing the special comradeship of the

A little antidote: I met two scruffy muggers in Dundee, a large town close to
and to get rid of the 'angst' (nice word Barry) on returning home I wrote a
poem about the event. I will find it and send it to the list.
It is more amusing now than at the time because without any thought of the
consequences I tackled them both, such a pleasure to see the pain and
on their face.

My heart always goes out to the elderly who are attacked & robbed in their
own home. I had my own home broken into by three young wastrels whilst in
bed, that was in 1984 and to this day the worry is still with me. My home has
locks on all doors & windows, safety shutters on windows. I often wonder if
this was the beginning
of subsequent heart attacks and strokes.

Dear me there I go again reminiscing, fingers tapping frantically on the
In closing I must say, Barry 'We try...'  Keep on trying.'


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