Gocamino guides // pilgrim's credentials

davidson davidsonaETAL.URI.EDU
Fri May 11 12:09:41 PDT 2001

Linda Davidson here. Once again I must report (& deplore) that I have lost my
hard drive on my winbook laptop. I am presently in the university library
using email.
i will be offline for a couple of weeks, and then I start summer research and
presentation trips.
I am asking that everyone continue the helpful and interesting conversations
and that everyone keep the tone civil -- about a half dozen people have
recently written me to explain that they have unsubscribed because of the
declining tone of the listserve. I hate to lose good contributors for reasons
that have to do simply with tone....

Finally, I am making my last announcement about pilgrim's credentials for
summer 2001:
If you wish to receive a pilgrim's credential before July 25, then it is
important that you write me a letter -- because I currently have no access to
computers -- before May 20:
Tell the number of credentials you need; the exact name and home town to be
written on each credential, and if you are hiking or biking.
Include the address to mail the credentials to. Do not include a sase, because
I use a 9x12 envelope.

You need not be a member of "Friends to the Road to Santiago", but donations
(say $3 - 5 for one credential, more for multiple copies) are appreciated to
help pay for postage and copying costs. For $5 US residents can become a
member of "Friends" for the year 2001 -- 2 newsletters included, so it's a
real bargain. See our web site: http://www.geocities.com/friends_usa_santiago
for more information.(Checks made out to Linda Davidson, NOT to "Friends.")

No one will be in the "Friends" office 18 - 21 May (I'll be in Binghamton NY
to give a talk on the pilgrimage at the Vestal Barnes and Noble on Monday
evening) and the entire month of June (I'll be in England doing reserach and
in London late June giving a talk at the Confraternity of St. James).

Thanks. Sorry it has to all be done by snail mail and in a short time frame,
but through July that's the way it is. I expect to be up and functioning again
-- and with a computer -- by July 15, but will also be away giving a couple of
presentations during July as well.

Linda Davidson
2501 Kingstown Road
Kingston, RI 02881

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