stricter rules

Maryjane Dunn mjdunnaTXUCOM.NET
Fri Mar 30 12:17:08 PST 2001

Please be assured that my questions are out of pure curiosity, and are not
meant to be in any way disrespectful...

Why are you planning on going to Compostela for a "truly spiritual" reason,
rather than going to another place, perhaps one related to your Jewish

Why choose a highly organized religious pilgrimage, if you have a spiritual
reason that has nothing to do with organized religion?

Would being denied a credential (pilgrim's passport) lessen the impact of
the journey?

Would you be upset if the Catholic church denied you a credential (or a
Compostelana at the end of the journey) because they have become more strict
about the "rules" (not that I know they have, but the 2 stamps/day would
indicate to me that they are trying to cut down on the frivolous tourists
(or the non-walking "cheaters")).

Your note fascinated me...

> Kind souls,
> first of all, I am of Jewish heritage.  I do not go to church, belong to a
> parish or a synagogue for that matter.  I am planning this journey for a
> truly spiritual reason, which has nothing to do with organized religion.
> Will I be denied a credencial in St Jean or Roncevalles?  Are
> these "rules"
> becoming more strict that they were in all the books i have read
> so far about
> this pilgrimage?
> thank you
> lisa

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