Didn't quite make it...

Russ Irwin rirwinaUSAOR.NET
Mon Jun 18 00:00:56 PDT 2001

I'd like to thank everyone for all the nice replies I received from my message. They helped to
rejuvenate my hopes and desires. I have been keeping up my walking since I've been back and did a
pleasant 6 miles today, and what I used to "think" were hills here seem almost like nothing now (of
course that's without a backpack <g>).

I did, however, receive benefits from my shorter than planned pilgrimage. I had lost 10 pounds from
all the walking I had done since last summer, but I lost an *additional* 10 pounds during my short
time on the Camino. So, I now fit very comfortably into my old 34 inch waist pants! It's been over 7
years since I could wear them and I'm glad I didn't throw all of them away (even though, back then,
I never thought I'd see the day again when I could wear them). And also my old suit pants, which are
a 33 inch waist, fit very nice again! :-)

While the top part of my back still bothers me some off and on, the "knot" that had developed at the
base of my spine (from the backpack) is all but gone now.

It's also true how you won't see some of the people with whom you've become close to for days at a
time. And then when you thought you'd never see them again, they appear at the most unexpected times
and places.

There's more that I'd like to tell later. I also took lot of pictures, and whenever I get around to
scanning some of them I'll put them up on my webpage. Meanwhile I'm still getting adjusted to being


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