Potential Pilgrim gives thanks

Ben Olas hankerfercheeseaHOTMAIL.COM
Sat Jul 7 07:21:59 PDT 2001

Thanks for all of the responses, it is much appreciated!!


>From: Ben Olas <hankerfercheeseaHOTMAIL.COM>
>Reply-To: Road to Santiago Pilgrimage <GOCAMINOapete.uri.edu>
>To: GOCAMINOapete.uri.edu
>Subject: Potential Pilgrim
>Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 19:42:54 -0600
>Hello, my name is Ben.  I first became interested in El Camino after
>my favorite authors (Paulo Coelho) book "The Pilgrimage".  About 4 years
>after that I quasi bumped in to Shirley McClain’s book "El Camino", which
>rekindled my interest.  My reasons for doing the trek are definitely
>spiritual.  My religious up bringing was Presbyterian, but I was raised in
>small town in Utah (well, not so small anymore) where I was one of only a
>handful of people who were not LDS (Mormon).  I became very disgruntled
>organized religion, and now am without, but I feel that for my life, a
>spiritual pursuit is the most fulfilling.  Also, I have always been
>interested in spending time in Europe, but wanted to have more of a reason
>than just back packing around, seeing the sights.   My trip plans have
>back to leaving the end of September, probably the 24th, and then spending
>about 5 weeks.  Still debating on wiether to fly into Barcelona or Paris.
>Recently, in an attempt to discourage me more or less, my family has
>me reports of problems in France related to the influx of either Algerians
>or Albanians that were brought in during the crisis in Cosovo.  Friends
>reported an increase of violence and theft.  I have also heard of problems
>in Basque related areas as well.  Can anyone give me a heads up as to
>wiether any of these accusations are correct?  Also, months ago I had
>subscribed to GOCAMINO and someone had posted a link to a site where a
>gentleman who I believe was a photography teacher had documented his entire
>journey.  Would anyone have that link as well?  And last, does a late
>September early October trip sound to be a good idea weather condition
>Thanks to any and all for a response in advance!
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