Sv: travel guides and maps

fkjaer fkjaeraPOST7.TELE.DK
Tue Jan 16 12:56:10 PST 2001

Dear Theresa,

As Pieter said, the maps in the Bravo Lozano book aren't the best
(to say the least) but as photocopies they served me well. High
quality detailed maps would be better of course. Some say, however,
that you do not need maps at all as the route is very well marked.
They're right, it is well marked even in the big cities, but I liked
the maps to orientate myself and having an idea about how
long a walk I had ahead of me. Besides I made notes on the
maps as I walked.



----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Fra: Theresa Weems <theresa168aEARTHLINK.NET>
Sendt: 15. januar 2001 18:37
Emne: travel guides and maps

> I've just joined the Gocamino listserve and have read a few e-mails
> concerning good references and travel guides on the Caminio.  I too received
> the "Practical Guide..." from the Spanish Tourist Office in New York.  It
> took about 2 weeks from the time I wrote them until I received the
> information package.  A couple of you have said you photocopied the maps
> from the book.  Would you say that served you just as well as buying a set
> of maps made to carry along the route? Also, I've read that the route is
> very well marked now, is that true also within the larger cities like
> Pamplona, Burgos and Leon?  Thanks for your help!
> Theresa Weems

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