To John & Ida, A poem from Howard (Scotland)

Howard Murphy HmcellardykeaAOL.COM
Sun Dec 9 12:47:04 PST 2001

From:   Hmcellardyke

Dear John & Ida,
I have a note that I promised to send a copy of the enclosed poem?

Racial Harmony
By Howard Murphy

A tall thin slime ball
 Of a youth,
With crew cut hair!
Tattoos cut into skin everywhere;
Dressed in ragged jeans,
Black Leather coat- tatters.
A Union Jack vest
Worn as though it's all that matters,
 "Aye, you Rabbi!"   he called.
"You yer Jewish Get!" he balled.
Puffing out his weedy chest
And red, white and blue vest.

I looked at the sky clear, bright and blue
And glanced behind me to see whom he called.
I thought it couldn't be his twin
Who approached in sideling
Shuffling crab-like jerks.

"You, yer fff…..yid," he called again.
The other one smirked and spat -
The dirty green globs of spittle settling near my foot.
My hand moved even before
It signalled to my brain.
The lad with the crew cut hair lowered his head,
As though to clean the spittle, in pain.

The other scuttled off, running down the lane.
"You see," I said. "It's not the Rabbi
But Santa Claus instead bringing all you asked for."
As I kicked him sharply in the goolies
And banged his head, leaving him moaning in pain.

The moral in this tale, I might have said,
Is to remember perhaps the Rabbi
Will never give you all you deserve.
But Santa Claus will give you all that you ask,
Joy and pain,
Without fail.

Normally I would have acted with more prudence and ran,
perhaps due to the weight of the added years I quickly grasped
the understanding that my running days are over.

Disclaimer: It must be pointed out that the writer does not
advocate Senior Citizens undertaking such action as it can be extremely
dangerous and he takes no responsibility for any such actions that may arise.

"But what a boost of adrenaline and intense satisfaction."

Every Blessing to you both,

Howard Murphy
81 George Street
Cellardyke Harbour
Anstruther. Fife. KY10 3AS
Scotland. UK

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