
Mac Quart macsquartaYAHOO.COM
Sun Dec 2 20:52:55 PST 2001

I seem to recall reading stories (not related to the Camino) in which kings and
wealthy landowners would make these religious journeys and pilgrimages with
huge caravans with servants and guides and such.  I would think that if this
number were true, it would be due to all of these wealthy men who would make
these journeys with so many slaves.  I haven't read Iberia, nor have I really
researched these numbers but I think that we shouldn't rule out the POSSIBILITY
that in a years time .5 million people could have done this route especially if
there were some major event that spread the word throughout Europe of the
importance of such a trip.  I remember that the trips by the kings and such
were some kind of status thing in which a king would want to bring many animals
and slaves and gold and such in an effort to show greatness while giving to
God.  I don't know that this is the case but I wouldn't be be surprised by it.
The story also is a very interesting inspiration to give us a history to
remember when thinking of the Camino.  I mean think about other rumors like the
Alamo which we believe that some 3000  battle hardened Mexican troops or more
were at the alamo when history has shown that the numbers were less and many
were new recruits.  But who wants to think about that fact anyway?  It gives us
pride as does the 500,000 number.


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