non-Catholics and communion on the Camino

MJ anderson mjcandersonaWORLDNET.ATT.NET
Wed Apr 4 07:37:49 PDT 2001

a sincere person, whether agnostic or atheist or pantheist,  who desires to observe and participate with
respect ( short of receiving the sacraments) is welcomed with open arms by the Catholic Church--the
designation "Catholic" means "universal."  Many people have "happened" upon a church in a time of
personal reorientation, and found comfort in the sense of presence they found there.  No one checks your
papers at the door--truly all are welcomed and world over the Catholic Church is the most diverse you'll
find--all socio economic classes, all ethnic groups, all levels of education, even (as at Santiago) all
levels of personal cleanliness!

However, your and others earlier comments respecting reception of  Communion by  non-Catholics is
appreciated. Please know it is not an exclusionary practice on the part of the Church, but is to
conserve and preserve the respect due to the holiness of the reception---turned around, the question
might be asked, if you do not believe, why would you choose to signify belief by receiving the Body and
Blood? The reception of this sacrament is a re-committment to a life lived in Christ, a seeking to do
His will, to live by His commandments.

(As a loose analogy, one might compare the marriage vows: The Church teaches that marital relations are
holy--sacrosacnt--and are a sign committment, each to the other unreservedly until death, of becoming
one flesh, of being one unit. This analogy breaks down in our culture because with the "sexual
revolution" the idea is pervasive that sex can be legitimate without this level of sacramental
In other words, the pleasure of the union is the purpose, rather than the pleasure and joy of the union
being a celebration and seal of the deeper gift --that of one's own life and total committment to a life
lived in mutual respect, care and aid. )

If a person cannot honestly assent to this life lived in Christ, if a person has itellectual
disagreements with the reality of Christ's divinity, or His sacrifice which makes the way of our
salvation open, if a person sees no need of salvation in the first place....that person has honest
disagreements with the very premise of "receiving Christ"  and would not choose to signify such a
committment. Reception of communion is a renewed committment to Christ.  For the sake of unity and
sharing the experience of mass with fellow pilgrims (current anad all who have ever made the pilgrimage)
please know you are more than welcome to attend chants, the mass, prayer and blessing services--in
short, all but the reception of the sacraments which --again--indicates a committment you may not agree

To all making the camino this spring, Buen Camino, vaya con Dios!
MJ Anderson

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