[Cfp-interest 2609] ARITH 2023 Call for Participation

Marius Cornea arith2023 at ieee.org
Fri Jan 13 09:58:40 PST 2023

*30th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH 2023)*

*September 4-6, 2023, Portland, Oregon, USA *

*First Call for Papers*

*Computer arithmetic has always been at the core of the digital age and is
currently driving innovation in domains such as artificial intelligence,
high-performance computing, signal processing, and security. **Since 1969,
the ARITH symposia have served as the premier conference for presenting the
latest research in computer arithmetic. *

*The 30th edition of the symposium, ARITH 2023, will be held in Portland,
Oregon, USA, with in-person attendance and presentation of research
results, keynote talks, and panels.*

*Regular Conference Papers*

*ARITH 2023 welcomes submissions of conference papers (up to 8 pages in the
IEEE CS Conference format) describing recent scientific advances related to
computer arithmetic. Accepted papers will be included in the conference
proceedings and in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. **Topics of interest
include, but are not restricted to:*

   - *Foundations of computer arithmetic: emerging number systems and their
   applications, novel arithmetic algorithms, their analysis, and applications*
   - *Efficient, low-power, or high-performance novel implementations of
   computer arithmetic in software and hardware: integer or floating-point
   operations, elementary and special functions, multiple-precision computing,
   interval arithmetic, finite field arithmetic  *
   - *Novel floating-point algorithms, properties of floating-point
   arithmetic in emerging domains and applications*
   - *Computer arithmetic in emerging standards, high-level languages, and
   - *Test, verification, formal proofs, computer-aided design (CAD)
   automation and fault/error-tolerance for computer arithmetic*
   - *New arithmetic paradigms, architectures, and implementations for
   emerging technologies, for FPGAs or configurable logic, and for
   non-conventional computing systems*
   - *New arithmetic paradigms and architectures for specific application
   domains such as cryptography, security, Internet-of-Things, neural
   networks, deep learning, signal processing, computer graphics, multimedia,
   computer vision, high-performance computing, finance, and emerging
   application domains*
   - *Inexact and stochastic arithmetic algorithms, architectures, and

*Short and Industry Papers*

*For ARITH 2023, we are also inviting short papers (4 pages maximum) to
describe work-in-progress ideas, interim results, or industry applications.
PhD students are especially welcome.*

*TETC Special Section*

*ARITH 2023 is also partnering with IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in
Computing for a special section on "Emerging and Impacting Trends on
Computer Arithmetic", to be published tentatively at the conference dates.
This special section is opened to new submissions which, if accepted, will
be considered also for presentation at ARITH 2023. Submissions of extended
versions of previous conference papers are also welcome, but they will not
be considered for presentation at ARITH 2023.*

*A detailed call for papers for this special TETC section will be found
before the end of January at  **https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/ec*
<https://www.computer.org/csdl/journal/ec>*. All accepted submissions,
whether regular, short, or industry papers, will have a full presentation
slot scheduled.*

*Procedure for submission*

*Submission site: **https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=arith30*
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=arith30>* (tentative, and not live
yet; will be live at least 4 weeks before the submission deadline, by Feb
12, 2023; please check again at **https://arith2023.arithsymposium.org/*
<https://arith2023.arithsymposium.org/>* for the exact URL, closer to that

*Papers under review elsewhere are not acceptable for submission to ARITH
2023. A double-blind peer review policy will be used. Please, remove author
names, acknowledgments, or any obvious references to the authors before
submission. By submitting a paper, you implicitly confirm you are solely
submitting it to ARITH 2023. *

*The final submissions of accepted regular session papers cannot exceed 8
pages (NO extra pages) using the IEEE Computer Society Conference format
(two columns). However, for review, authors may submit a paper with a
maximum of 20 pages, 12pt font size, single column and double spacing. The
final submissions for short and industry papers cannot exceed 4 pages (NO
extra pages) using the IEEE Computer Society Conference format (two
columns). For review, the paper may have up to 10 pages, in 12pt font size,
single column and double spacing.*

*For formatting instructions, please see: *


*IEEE TETC Special Section*

   - *Submission deadline
     March 12, 2023*
   - *Authors notification (first review)                              May
   1, 2023*
   - *Submission of Minor revisions                                    May
   29, 2023*
   - *Notification of Final acceptance                                 Jul
   2, 2023*
   - *Publication materials due
    July 15, 2023*

*ARITH 2023 Conference Papers*

   - *Abstract submission deadline
   April 16, 2023*
   - *Conference paper submission deadline                      April 23,
   - *Reviews completed and Authors notified                   June 26,
   - *Camera ready and copyright due                                July
   22, 2023*

*Detailed submission procedures, registration information, and other
relevant information will be available by late February/early March at *

*Venue: The Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon - **https://bensonhotel.com/*
<https://bensonhotel.com/>* (tentative)*

*We are looking forward to seeing you at ARITH 2023 in Portland, Oregon,
USA in September this year. Please forward this message to others who might
be interested and are not aware of this.*

*Thank you,*

*Marius Cornea/General Chair, on behalf of the Organizing Committee*

*Email: arith2023 at ieee.org <arith2023 at ieee.org>*
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