[Cfp-interest 1609] Re: TS3 annex review

Damian McGuckin damianm at esi.com.au
Tue Jun 2 18:36:25 PDT 2020

I was given X.9 and X.10 (I think I got the easy stuff)

X.9 - At the end of this section on Page 14, clause [4] ...

 	[4] For the functions listed in 7.31.1 (Future library directions
 	for <complex.h>), the possible suffixes are expanded to also
 	include fN and fNx

I do not understand the exact purpose of what is in brackets.  It reads 
poorly either way.

X.10 - Top of Page 15 - first sentence of Clause [3].

[3] Both the dynamic rounding direction mode accessed by fegetround and 
fesetround and the FENV_ROUND rounding control pragma apply to operations 
for binary floating types, as well for standard floating types, and to 
conversions for radix-2 non-arithmetic interchange formats.

Can I suggest 'as well as' in the sentence. I use Strunk & White "Elements 
of Style" as my English style bible/guide even though Strunk is from Yale. 
He only ever uses "as well" without a trailing "as" when it appears at the 
end of a sentence. Within a sentence, there is always the trailing "as".

I would prefer an 'ALSO' to apply to the conversions as I suggest below 
but I am not overly fussed on that point.

So, this first sentence becomes

[3] Both the dynamic rounding direction mode accessed by fegetround and 
fesetround and the FENV_ROUND rounding control pragma apply to operations 
for binary floating types, as well AS for standard floating types, and 
ALSO to conversions for radix-2 non-arithmetic interchange formats.

Obviously no capitalization.

You could also simplify it to say

[3] Both the dynamic rounding direction mode accessed by fegetround and 
fesetround and the FENV_ROUND rounding control pragma apply to operations 
for standard floating types, binary floating types, and conversions for 
radix-2 non-arithmetic interchange formats.

For a standard, that simplification should be sufficient but the earlier
version better highlights the changes.

I am unsure of the emphasis needed.

Regards - Damian

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