[pct-l 60] nibbling on N

David Hough reading PCT-L pctl at oakapple.net
Wed Jun 19 21:36:52 PDT 2024

I've finished rehiking the PCT from Islip Saddle to Etna Summit, EXCEPT
section N from Belden to Andesite/Poison Spring.    It always seemed to
be on fire when I was available.

But on Jun 16-17 I nibbled on the beginning, from the Belden PGE Rest Area
at the Belden Town bridge (1287, Halfmile 2018) to about 1291.5.

As rumored, the Little Indian Creek Bridge has been replaced and the trail
is no longer closed.    The Trail Closed signs were still up on Jun 16
but gone on Jun 17.

The trail has been maintained and is in great shape.   Some weeds and grass
are trying to take over but the tread is solid and the slope moderate.   
No obstacles to man or beast.  Quite
an improvement over my last adventure in Cooper Canyon of section D.

The Equestrian Trailhead and access trail are somewhat overgrown with 
flammable weeds, and I wasn't sure where to park, so I opted for close to
the highway.    Since the main trail is now open, this trailhead is mainly of
interest now to day hikers (and perhaps equestrians).

Seasonal water at WA1289 and WA1291 is flowing enthusiastically for the
time being.

Bugs abound - numerous beautiful butterflies around the abundant Monardella,
live oak gnats in wooded areas, and biting flies in a few places.

My first arrival at Belden was via the Indian Creek trail which was marked
as a detour around fire and landslide damage in Chips Creek canyon.


Right before the road I remembered passing through the Belden cemetery which
was right on that trail.   I looked for it this time, but didn't push very
far up the hill - not quite far enough, perhaps.    Apparently it's still
there -


Evidently it was still in use as late as 2012.

I'll try again if I ever get back there.    That's not so easy to do, with
perhaps a dozen one-way traffic controls on Hwy 70.     That highway takes
a real beating every fall and winter.

It's amazing the railroad is so resilient.     If you're interested in that
sort of thing, there's a notable point of interest on Hwy 70 a few miles
east of Belden -


David Hough

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