correctly rounded math library binaries

David G Hough at validgh validgh
Sun Apr 18 21:08:48 PDT 1999

The following appeared on na-digest; apparently binaries only are 
available for download, not source, from .

Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 23:15:30 +0200
Subject: Correctly Rounded Elementary Function Library

I am pleased to announce that ml4j has been posted on IBM's alphaWorks and
can be freely downloaded from
ml4j stands for Mathematical Library for Java.  However, our library can be
called from C as well as from Java (we include an example of doing this).
The 12 functions are sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, exp, log, pow,
sqrt and IEEEremainder.  We did not include functions like floor, ceil etc.
since they are implemented correctly on most platforms.  We did include
IEEEremainder (which has nothing to do with rounding) and sqrt (which is
correctly rounding on most platforms) just for completeness.
The unique feature of our library is the correct rounding,  i.e. the result
produced by us identical to one obtained by rounding the exact (infinitely
precise) result to the nearest/even double precision number.  And the
performance price paid for this is not too high (our library is written in
standard and portable C and it's speed is comparable to platform specific
libraries which do not round correctly).

You can download binaries for PowerPC/AIX, Pentium/WindowsNT and
Sparc/Solaris from alphaWorks.  See the above URL for more details.

Any comments are more than welcome.

Moshe Olshansky
IBM Research Laboratory in Haifa

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