7 digit decimal number

Fred J. Tydeman tydemanatybor.com
Sat Apr 10 15:28:23 PDT 1999

Can someone post a 7 decimal digit number that if
converted to IEEE-754 single format with its 24-bits
of precision using round to nearest and then converted 
back to decimal and again using round to nearest, 
one does NOT obtain the original 7 digit number?

An example of what I am asking for using a simpler
number system is:  convert from 1 decimal digit
number to a 4-bit precision representation and
back to 1 digit decimal.  This fails for the number:
1e22 --> 1.000 * 2**73 --> 9e21

Fred J. Tydeman    +1 (512) 255-8696   Tydeman Consulting
3711 Del Robles    tydemanatybor.com   Programming, testing, numerics
Austin, Texas 78727                    Voting member of J11 (ANSI "C")
USA            Sample C9X+FPCE tests:  ftp://jump.net/pub/tybor/

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