Performance Performance Performance

Tom MacDonald uunet!!tam
Tue Jan 17 11:01:54 PST 1995

David G. Hough writes:
> If all inferior low-end implementations can't conform to a standard and
> go out of business I can't lament the loss.   They really had nothing to
> offer in trade for being different and not different in a better way.

I suspect they won't go out of business though.  As I said in my reply,
they make these decisions to maximize profits, not to deliberatly make
porting more difficult.  Perhaps 100% IEEE conformant implementations will
become the only players in the industry someday, but we can't reach that
conclusion yet.  I can't agree with your assumption that the primary
reason they deviated from the IEEE spec. is because they were,
essentially, lazy.  They did this for business reasons and we'll have to
wait and see if these decisions allow them to be successful.

Tom MacDonald

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