ICIAM 95 - for anybody who may have missed previous announcements

David Hough sun!Eng!David.Hough
Tue Oct 25 10:45:07 PDT 1994

*** CALL FOR PAPERS ****************************************************
**                                                                    **
**        MMM   MMMM   MMM   MMMM   MM   MM      MMMM   MMMM          **
**         M    M       M    M  M   M M M M      M  M   M             **
**         M    M       M    MMMM   M  M  M      MMMM   MMMM          **
**         M    M       M    M  M   M  M  M         M      M          **
**        MMM   MMMM   MMM   M  M   M     M      MMMM   MMMM          **
**                                                                    **
**                                                                    **
**        THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON                         **
**        INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS                          **
**                                                                    **
**        July 3 - 7, 1995                                            **
**        HAMBURG, GERMANY                                            **
**                                                                    **
*** CALL FOR PAPERS ****************************************************

The  congress  organizers  are  developing  a programme  that will focus
worldwide attention on the importance of mathematical  and computational
methods  in the solution of real world problems.  A major exposition  of
computer hardware and software exhibits  and  demonstations  will enable
you to explore state-of-the-art technology.

In addition to a programme  highlighting  important advances in research
and applications, there will be  many opportunities for you to meet your
colleagues from other countries.

The first  International  Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
was held 1987 in Paris.  ICIAM 87 attracted 900 scientists from  applied
and computational mathematics  and applied sciences. This number climbed
to over 2300  at ICIAM 91 in Washington, DC.

ICIAM 95 will be hosted by            GAMM.

ICIAM 95 President is        Oskar Mahrenholtz,
                             Technical University Hamburg-Harburg


Klaus W. Kirchgaessner, Chair,   Universitaet Stuttgart
Petter Bjorstad,                 University of Bergen
Cai Dayong,                      Tsinghua University, Beijing
John Chadam,                     McMaster University, Hamilton
Julio Claeyssen,                 Fed. Univ. of Rio Grande, Porto Alegre
Heinz W. Engl,                   Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Linz
Gene H. Golub,                   Stanford University, Stanford
Julian C. R. Hunt,               Metereological Office, Bracknell
Iri Masao,                       University of Tokyo
Nancy J. Kopell,                 Boston University
Pierre-Louis Lions,              Universite de Pauris Dauphine, Paris
Jean Claude Nedelec,             Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau
John R. Ockendon,                University of Oxford
Etienne Pardoux,                 Universite de Provence, Marseille
Mario Primicerio,                Universita di Firenze
Alberto Tesei,                   Universita di Roma "La Sapienza"


C. William Gear, Chair,     NEC Research Institute Princeton, New Jersey

and the delegates form the Member Societies:




The programme  consists  of invited and  contributed lectures,  minisym-
posia, poster presentations, and an exhibition.

The presentations  are  solicited  in  all areas of applied mathematics,
computer  science,   applied  probability   and  statistics,  scientific
computing, and applications in science, medicine, engineering, economics
and other related fields.


Applied Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Applied Stochastics - Imaging

Graphs, Matroids, Networks - Imaging
High Performace Computing
Self-Validation in Computer Science


Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Environment - Climate

Materials - Phase Transitions -Crystals
Robotics - Multibody Dynamics - Mechanics
Transport Problems - Kinetic Theory

Industry - High Technology and Coating - Thin Films - Oil


Akaike, H., Tokyo, Japan                                
  "Industrial Application of Statistical Processes in Conception of AIC"

Arnold, V. I., Moskau, Republic of Russia
  "Singularities and Bifurcations in Pure and Applied Mathematics"

Baccelli, F., INRIA, Valbonne, France
  "Stochastic Discrete Event Problems"

Berry, M. V., Bristol,UK
  "Asymptotics and Mechanics"
Brezis, H., Paris, France         
  "Liquid Crystals"
Cercignani, C., Milano, Italy 
  "Mathematical Problems in Rarefied Gas Dynamics"
Daubechies, I., Murray Hill, USA
Degond, P., Toulouse, France
  "Macroscopic Models of Charged-Particle Transport Derived from 
  Kinetic Theory"
Foellmer, H., Bonn, Germany
  "Mathematical Finance"
Hasselmann, K., Hamburg, Germany
  "Global Climate Modelling"
Hinch, E. J., Cambridge, UK
  "The Fluid Dynamics of Elastic Liquids"
James, R.,  Minneapolis, USA
  "Hysteresis in Phase Transformations"

Kahan, W., Berkeley, USA
  "Computer Science"
Keller, J. B., Stanford, USA        
  "Applied Mathematics"

Lions, J. L., Paris, France         
  "Some Mathematical Questions Connected with Climate Models"

Marsden, J., Berkley, USA  
 "Dynamical Systems and Geometric Mechanics in Control Theory"

Meyer, G., Moffett Field, USA 
 "Nonlinear Control and Discrete Event Systems"

Mumford, D., Cambridge MA, USA   
 "Statistical Methods in Computer Vision"       

Murota, K., Kyoto, Japan
 "Structural Approach in Systems Analysis by Mixed Matrices

Neunzert, H., Kaiserslautern, Germany 
 "Particle Methods: Theory and Applications"
Nilsson, L. G., Linkoeping, Sweden 
  "Computational Contact-Impact Analysis"
Pfeiffer, F. Muenchen, Germany
  "Robotics in Theory and Practice"

Perelson, A., Los Alamos, USA
  "Mathematical Modelling of the Immune System in Health and Disease"

Peskin, C., New York, USA 
  "The Immersed Boundary Method for Biological Fluid Dynamics"

Quarteroni, A., Milano, Italy  
  "Computational Fluid Dynamics in Industrial Processes"

Rannacher, R., Heidelberg, Germany
  "Computation of Viscous Incompressible Flows"

Sivashinski, G., Tel Aviv, Israel 
  "Topics in Dynamics of Flame-Flow Interaction"
Tayler, A., Oxford, UK
  "Mathematics and High Technology"
Trefethen, L., Ithaka, USA
 "Why Gaussian Elimination Works even though It Is Unstable"

Van Dooren, P., Urbana, USA 
  "Signals, Systems, Control"
Ward, M., Vancouver, Canada          
  "Hybrid Asymptotic-Numerical Methods for Certain Singular
  Perturbation Problems"

Zeng,Q., Beijing, China
  "Silt Sedimentation and Relevant Engineering Problem -- an
  Example of Natural Cybernetics"


A minisymposia is a session of speakers focusing on a single topic.  The
organizer of a minisympoisium invites the speakers  and  decides  on the
topic they are to deliver.  If you would  like  to organize  a  minisym-
posium, you must submit a proposal on an ICIAM 95 minisymposium form.

To obtain a form and guidelines for submitting a minisymposium proposal,
please send a message to:
E-mail: iciam95avax1.rz.uni-regensburg.d400.de
Fax: +49-941-943-4005

Deadline date for submission of minisymposium proposals: Sept. 30, 1994


You are  invited  to submit a paper, which you may present in lecture or
poster format.  Authors  will have  approximately  15  minutes  for  the
lecture,  with additional  5 minutes for discussion.  Alternatively they
may elect poster presentations, which allow interactive discussions with
individuals interested in their work.

If you like to present a paper (lecture or poster format), please submit
a summary on an ICIAM 95 contributed paper form.

To obtain  a form and  guidelines for submitting a paper,  please send a
message to:
E-mail: iciam95avax1.rz.uni-regensburg.d400.de
Fax: +49-941-943-4005

Deadline date for submission of abstracts:              October 31, 1994

*  VENUE  *

The site for the congress  is  the  CCH - Congress Centrum Hamburg,  one
of  the  most modern and  largest convention venues  in Europe.  The CCH
offers flexibility and state-of-the-art  conference technique.  With its
city~centre location in a park landscape and leading hotels close by, it
is just  a short stroll away from  the shopping arcades  and the Alster,
Hamburg's famous city~centre lake.


The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg  is an independent city  and also
one of  the 16  States  of Germany.  About 1.6 million people  live in
Hamburg's 755 square kilometres.  Over one third of the city consists of
forests, meadows, parks,  and agricultural land.  Hamburg,  the thriving
metropolis  on the Elbe River  with  its  large international port  is a
fascinating blend of tradition and progress.

Hamburg's long tradition as an  international trading centre  dates back
to the Hanseatic League  and the 13th century.  Today, Hamburg boasts 76
consulates.  Nowhere else  in Europe are there  more foreign representa-
tives than here between the Elbe and the Alster.

Please, come to meet the famous Hamburgers!


Adjacent  to the lecture  halls  is a large exhibition area  for display
of products and services.

Opening hours:  July 3 -7 , 1995 from 09.00 to 18.00 h

Stand rental (min. size 6 m*m) : DM 295,00 - DM 550,00
                                 + 15\% German VAT

To receive the exhibitor information, please contact:

   P.O. Box 12 21
   D-22882 Hamburg
   Phone: +49-40-670 882-15
   Fax:   +49--40-670 32 83


CPO HANSER SERVICE offers an interesting supporting  programme including
e.g.  city  sightseeing  tours,  visits to  the musicals "Phantom of the
Opera"  and  "Cats"  or  excursions  to  the  beautiful  surroundings of

Post   congress  tours  are  offered  to  Berlin-Weimar-Dresden  or  to 

Please,  use  the  Hotel/Supporting  Programme registration form of CPO 
HANSER SERVICE to make your reservation. If you send back the  attached
reply card to  GAMM-office you will  receive this registration form  or
directly contact:

    P.O. Box  12 21
    D-22882 Hamburg-Barsbuettel
    Phone: +49-40-670 882-15
    Fax: +49--40-670 32 83


CPO HANSER SERVICE has been appointed as the official travel  agent  for
hotel accommodation  and  supporting  programme. CPO HANSER SERVICE  has
blocked a large number of hotel rooms of different categories:

Category            Single room             Double room

L*****              DM 200-220              DM 210-250
A****               DM 170-200              DM 250
B***                DM 140-190              DM 150-240 
C**                 DM 75-140               DM 115-180

Each hotel is within easy reach of Congress Centrum Hamburg either
on foot or by public transportation.  

Please, make your reservation only with CPO HANSER SERVICE.


The congress organizers are  glad to be able to quote the  registration 
fee for the modest rate of:

Participant               DM 390,00 (490,00)*
Junior Participant **     DM 195,00 (245,00)*
Student                   DM 100,00 (150,00)*
Accompanying Person(s)    DM 50,00  (50,0)*

*)   for registrations after March 1, 1995
**)  born 1963 or later!

For further information, please contact

     University of Regensburg, NWF I - Mathematik
     D-93053 Regensburg, Germany

     Phone:  +49-941-943-4918
     Fax:    +49-941-943-4005
     E-mail: iciam95avax1.rz.uni-regensburd.d400.de

   *  DEADLINES TO REMEMBER                                    *
   *  Minisymposium proposal               September 30, 1994  *
   *  Contributed presentation proposal    October 31, 1994    *
   *  Registration                         March 1, 1995      *

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