A New Hardware/Software Pentium FDIV Workaround

Cleve Moler moleramathworks.com
Wed Nov 30 21:12:02 PST 1994


Last week, I suggested a hardware/software workaround for the Pentium
FDIV bug.  And, I promised that we would release a Pentium-aware
version of MATLAB that incorporated the workaround.  Since then,
I have heard from several people suggesting improvements.  In
particular, Terje Mathisen and Tim Coe have made such good suggestions
that I want to consider a different algorithm.  I have enough
confidence in this new algorithm that we are now in the process
of using it for the Pentium-aware MATLAB.

Mathisen is the PC programming expert from Norsk Hydro in Norway
who confirmed Thomas Nicely's original bug report, and who wrote
P87TEST.  Tim Coe is the semiconductor design engineer from
Vitesse Semiconductor whose model of the chip's behavior led him
to examples of the worse-case behavior, including the
4195835/3145727 example.

With this posting, the three of us are providing a status report
on a more ambitious project.  We believe it should be possible
to modify software so that it can run on defective Pentiums
and provide IEEE compliant floating point arithmetic with very
little, if any, degradation in speed.  

This is work in progress.  We're not absolutely sure yet that it
is guaranteed to do everything we want.  We will continue to 
study, refine and check the ideas and the code.  (I particularly
want to thank Audrey Benevento and Marc Ullman for their
contributions to our work here at the MathWorks.)

The algorithm that I was so enthusiastic about a week ago starts
with an FDIV to compute z = x/y.  Then the residual, r = x - y*z,
is computed.  If the residual is "small", z is deemed to be OK.
If not, x and y are both scaled by 3/4, and the process is repeated.
It is very difficult to define "small" in such a way that the
resulting z is certainly the correctly rounded result.  Our
new algorithm completely avoids such delicate decisions.

One personal comment: As far as I am concerned, the activity in
the comp.sys.intel newsgroup over the past three weeks has been
a mixed blessing.  It brought this problem to the attention of
a wide audience quickly.  It hooked me up with experts like
Mathisen and Coe that I would never meet otherwise.  It definitely
contributed to the creation of the solution we are proposing.
But now I am finding it impossible to read everything being
posted in the group.  In fact, it has become counter productive.
I may be missing some important posts, buried in among all the
stuff of questionable technical merit.

Years ago, Alex Chorin, a math professor at Berkeley, began a
book review with one of my all-time favorite quotes,

   "This book detracts from the sum total of human knowledge"

I am afraid we may have now reached that point with the activity
in comp.soft-sys.intel.  I will be looking to comp.soft-sys.matlab
and sci.math.num-analysis for future discussion of the aspects
of this problem that I am interested in.

   -- Cleve Moler

           A New Hardware/Software Pentium FDIV Workaround

                Tim Coe, coeavitsemi.com
                Terje Mathisen, Terje.Mathisenahda.hydro.com
                Cleve Moler, moleramathworks.com

One of us (Coe) has developed a model which explains all the known
examples of FDIV errors.  We believe we now understand the bit
patterns well enough that we can identify certain bands in the space
of floating point numbers which are "at risk".  The test involves
looking only at the denominator, although the numerator also affects
whether or not an error actually occurs.  If the denominator is found
to be outside the at-risk bands, the FDIV instruction can be safely
used to produce the correctly rounded IEEE result.  If the denominator
is in one of the at-risk bands, then scaling both the numerator and
denominator by 15/16 eliminates the risk.  Moreover, if the scaling
and subsequent FDIV instruction are carefully carried out in the
extended precision format, it is still possible to produce the
correctly rounded result.

No attempt is made to predict before the FDIV whether or not an error
will actually occur, and no attempt is made after the FDIV to assess
the size of the residual.

Where, exactly, are the bands of at-risk denominators used in our
new algorithm?  Between each two powers of two, Coe specifies five
small intervals to avoid.  Consider the interval 4096 <= y < 8192.
For values of y in this range, the intervals to avoid have width one.

Here they are, in decimal and in hex.

       4607.    4607.999999...
       5375.    5375.999999...
       6143.    6143.999999...
       6911.    6911.999999...
       7679.    7679.999999...

      40b1ff0000000000   40b1ffffffffffff
      40b4ff0000000000   40b4ffffffffffff
      40b7ff0000000000   40b7ffffffffffff
      40baff0000000000   40baffffffffffff
      40bdff0000000000   40bdffffffffffff

A picture of the interval would look something like this.  Each of
the five *'s represents a subinterval to be avoided.  The length of
each subinterval is 1/4096-th of the length of the overall length.


It is interesting to note that scaling the third subinterval by 3/4
sends it into the first subinterval.  This is another weakness of
Moler's original proposal.  But scaling by 15/16 shifts each
subinterval to a safe region.

Think of the 64 bit floating point representation of the denominator as
consisting of 16 four-bit half bytes, or "nibbles."  These are represented
by the 16 characters in the hex printout.  Also, think of the binary
point as being just after the third byte or sixth nibble.  That's between
the pair of f's and the string of zeros in the hex numbers given above.
Then, with the hidden bit and the binary point shown explicitly, the
numbers are of the form:

         1aff.xxxxxxxxxx * 2^e

The algorithm says to avoid denominators which have eight consecutive
ones in the positions indicated by ff and a = 1, 4, 7, 10, or 13 in the
first nibble of the fraction.  The exponent and the low order 40 bits
of the fraction are not involved in the decision.

Here is some pseudo C.  The input is a pair of 64 bit double precision
floating point numbers, x and y.  The output is intended to be the 64 bit
double precision floating point number which is closest to the exact 
quotient x/y.

       double x,y,z
       long double xx,yy,zz
       char ychar[8]
       nibble ynib[16], a
       /* Use same 64-bit storage for y, ychar and ynib */

       /* Check for 8 consecutive ones

       if (ychar[3] = 0xff) {

           /* Check for the five bands

           a = ynib[4]
           if (a == 1) || (a == 4) || (a == 7) || (a == 10) || (a == 13) {
               xx = 0.9375*x
               yy = 0.9375*y
               zz = xx/zz
               z = zz

       z = x/y

This is probably best implemented in assembly language, both because we
want it to be fast, and because some C compilers don't give us proper
access to the long double format.

Here is today's (11/29) version of the assembly code written by one of
us (Mathisen).  It is intended to be used with the in-lining facility of
the WATCOM 10 C compiler.  Its unique feature is a 32 entry table which 
drives the test.  The table can be set to all zeros for chips without
the bug and to the appropriate nonzero quantities if a defective
chip is detected at startup.   The code also deals with denormals,
which we have so far ignored in this discussion.

We include the code here primarily to show our approach.  It is not
expected to be the final, complete solution.  Anybody interested in
details should contact Terje.Mathisenahda.hydro.com via email.

    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    static float _fdiv_scale = 0.9375;
    static char _fdiv_risc[32] = {0};
    long double lfdiv(long double x, long double y);
    #pragma aux lfdiv = \
    "  sub esp,12"\
    "  fld st"\
    "  fstp tbyte ptr [esp]"\
    "  mov eax,[esp+4]"\
    "  shr eax,15"\
    "  cmp al,255"\
    "   jne ok"\
    "  mov al,ah"\
    "  and eax,31"\
    "  cmp _fdiv_risc[eax],ah"\
    "   jz ok"\
    "  fld [_fdiv_scale]"\
    "  fmul st(2),st"\
    "  fmulp st(1),st"\
    "  fdivp st(1),st"\
    "  add esp,12"\
       parm reverse [8087] [8087]\
       modify nomemory exact [eax 8087]\
       value [8087];
    void _fdiv_risc_init(void)
       int i;
       if (fdiv_fail()) {
          for (i = 1; i < 16; i += 3)
             _fdiv_risc[i+16] = i;
    void main(void)
       double z;
       z = lfdiv(425678.0, 3142567.0);
       printf("z = %G\n",z);

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