PowerPC in your future?

David G. Hough on validgh dgh
Fri Oct 8 22:24:02 PDT 1993

Craig Hartley sent me the following.   One line of rebuttal is that none of
the PowerPC operating systems are going to be of any overwhelming interest 
(almost but not quite MacOS, Pink - IBM is having doubts, NT which is
almost but not quite Windows, AIX - little interest so far, Solaris 2)
and so the volume arguments won't hold water.   
 From my point of view it complicates life to have to plan software that
works on conventional single/double RISCS, extended-based x86's, and
fused-multiply-add PowerPCs.
Another point of view is that all RISCS will be equivalent, with DOS, 
Windows 3.1, and MacOS emulations of various sorts that permit most existing 
mass market PC programs to run on the RISC PC's and workstations.
It is clear that there isn't enough value added to the world's overall
welfare to justify continued aggressive funding for development
of all of x86, PowerPC, SPARC, PA-RISC, MIPS, Alpha... on an indefinite basis.

		Ten Reasons Why PowerPC Will Succeed

1) Major Manufacturers' Commitments Already Guarantee Its Market Success

It will have by far the largest installed base of any RISC processor in
history.  Indications are that it will pass 1M units shipped in 1994,
making it the first RISC processor to pass 1M in a year (SPARC
reportedly has around 400K/yr world-wide).  As if being the standard
processor for both IBM and Apple weren't enough, it has also been
adopted as the standard embedded processor for all Ford autos (maybe
two per car).  It will also find its way into TV cable boxes and sets
through alliances between Apple and Motorola and various media
companies.  Computer ResellerNews on August 23, 1993 quoted InfoCorp as
forcasting PowerPC market penetration as follows:

----		---------------		-------------------

1993		497			<1%

1994		425.9K			42%

1995		2.39M			79%

1996		4.65M			83%

Note that this is conservative and reflects only "PC" sales, not cars,
TVs, and presumably not workstations and servers, etc.  These numbers
are conservative relative to what Apple plans for 1994 (reportedly 1M
to 1.5M PowerPC units shipped).

Some would argue that embedded versions of PowerPC are unrelated to the
CPU version.  My response is that the potential market for embedded
control is enormous.  In-Stat Inc. (Scottsdale, AZ) forcasts the demand
for embedded solutions this year at 114.7 M - twice the size of the PC
market.  By 1997, the market will grow to 203.2 M, or 2.5 times the
size of the PC market then (data from EE Times, 10/4/93, p 8).  It
would seem that having the volume and intrinsic code compatibility
would leverage and strengthen the PPC market position when compared
with competitors with a small market share and no embedded versions.
Note that SPARClite by Fujuitsu is an embedded processor going after
this market in competition with PPC and Intel has a new "extended 386
series" with competition from AMD's Elan processor.

Another comment I've heard said that 1M installed SPARC systems have
more relevance than analysts' projections.  My response to that is that
it took 5 years for SPARC to get that installed base, PowerPC will
probably achieve 1M+ installed base in less than 1 year.  I have seen
no basis for doubting those projections.  In fact I think they are
*very* conservative.

There is a question about whether Apple PowerPC 62/72 SPECmark machines
are really any high-end competion, because they don't make
"workstations" like Sun, for example.  I think that the term
"workstation" will become practically meaningless soon (if it isn't
already).  What is a "workstation"?  Unix?...fast
CPU?...ethernet?...hi res graphics?...lots of memory?...big hard
drives?...multiprocessors?  The new PowerPC systems will have all of
these things plus, potentially, more usable operating systems and a
huge number of easy-to-use applications (because of ports to a volume
architecture).  As the saying goes, "If it walks like a duck, and
sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck...then maybe..." And what
about IBM's new PowerPC-based "workstations"?

2) It Can Beat the Competition in Price
For example, if you compare the available revenue per wafer, the
PowerPC has a continuing price advantage over Pentium, according to a
table on page 116 of the 9/20/93 MacWeek:

---------	------		-----------	--------	-------
Pentium I
0.416 Sq in	5.0 V		14.0 Watts	114		$34,200

Pentium II
0.235		3.3 V		6.5 Watts	203		$60,900

PPC 601
0.185		3.6 V		8.5 Watts	258		$77,400

PPC 604
0.128		3.3 V		6.0 Watts	373		$111,900

DEC and MIPS are trying hard to challenge the PowerPC but it is very
unlikely they can hope to achieve the volume that will drive prices
down as far as PowerPC can go, assuming all manufacturers are getting
equal yields.  That may be a big assumption: Pentium has apparently
been having problems; PowerPC is technologically more advanced (4 layer
metal process) and so may have trouble ramping up yields.

For comparison, a current 486DX2 at 66 MHz goes for around $500,
PowerPC 601/66 will be around $280 in volume.  Think of what a PC clone
costs now and you get the picture.

3) It Is More "Open" Than Any Processor on the Market

The PowerOpen Application Binary Interface (ABI) for PowerPC
incorporates the Mac API (toolbox) and indications are that the chip
has the ability to run the Macintosh OS (version 7.5) in emulation at
speeds roughly equivalent to the current high-end Macs (25 MHz 68040).
IBM signed up for Wabi for it's RISC 6000 product line (which is
transitioning to pure PowerPC).  In addition, IBM is rumored to have a
"clean room" project to put DOS/Win code on PowerPC to speed x86
emulation (see original article below).  The chip is so fast that even
in emulation it may well produce acceptable performance, and with the
installed base growing rapidly, most software will port to native
PowerPC very soon or lose market share to those who do.  Remember Apple
& IBM are behind this and offer a guaranteed market.  IBM
single-handedly made the x86 a success by merely adopting it, despite
the fact that the 68xxx was superior in many respects (remember those
pre-SPARC Suns?).  I define "open" not as a published standard, but
rather as really being able to use as many off-the-shelf hardware and
software elements as possible (e.g., any brand of film in any camera on
any tripod).  PowerPC will run Solaris, AIX, NT, Macintosh, MS-DOS, and
whatever IBM has as its office environment.  Now, that's "open"!  If
software emulation and hardware features give compatibility with the
installed base, and recompiled performance is very high, the pain of
the changeover could be acceptable.

4) PowerPC Will Incorporate PCI in its Architecture

Future versions of the PowerPC will integrate PCI bus support into the
chip design.  Apple and IBM will standardize on PCI. This is no big
deal in itself, because Alpha already integrates PCI and MIPS probably
soon will, but PowerPC at least meets the competition.

5)  IBM is Aggressively Marketing PowerPC to Asian Clone Manufacturers

EE Times reported last week that IBM is close to making a deal to form
a consortium including 85% of the motherboard manufacturers in Taiwan.
Those manufacturers are distressed at their inability to acquire
Pentium chips from Intel.  IBM is promising them plenty of supply.  If
these manufacturers can ramp up production (IBM will be presenting a
basic sample design at COMDEX), you may be able to buy a PowerPC-based
clone at Frys for under $2K in the not too distant future.  That system
would run at least 62 SPECint92 and 72 SPECfp92, possibly 2 to 3 times
more! IBM/Apple is trying to capture a significant share of the RISC/NT
market from its rivals at DEC and MIPS.  Capturing market share, not
only for NT but against x86 is important for what I think is really
underneath the strategy...see #6 below.

6)  PowerPC will be the Platform of Choice for the First Object
Oriented OS to Hit the Market, Taligent's Pink

Indications are that Taligent's Pink, the product of another IBM/Apple
alliance, will beat Cairo to market.  Taligent will reportedly be
selectively showing Pink to folks at next month's COMDEX.  Microsoft is
showing Chicago (Windows 4.0, one generation preceeding Cairo), which
won't ship until late 1994.  It would appear, therefore, that Cairo
most likely will follow Pink.  If IBM is successful in getting PowerPC
clones rolling out of Asia, combined with Apple and IBM production,
PowerPC will have a huge installed base ready for the new OS.  All
Taligent has to do is offer it for $99 "competitive upgrades" and you
have an overnight success (let's see...by mid 1995 3M cpu's /2 (half
the people might not hear about the deal) x $99.00 = $148.5M almost
overnight).  If Pink employs some of Apple's slick technology
(QuickTime, speaker independent speach recognition, etc.) it could be
almost irresistible, even at a higher price.  Taligent could become the
Microsoft of the late 90's off the PowerPC springboard.

7)  PowerPC Systems may be More Usable than those of the Competition

I am intrigued by the notion of not price vs performance, but rather
usability vs performance.  I started my PowerPC file many months ago
precisely because of my interest in this assessment. (I am a Human
Factors Engineer.)  Unfortunately, I don't have hard data to back up my
assertions in the figure, much as I'd like to as an engineer.  I throw
this out as food for thought.  I know there are lots of ways to define
usability, and there are lots of excuses for not having it.  I accept
the different definitions, but as an HFE, I can't accept any excuse for
not having it (e.g., "...a complex, highly functional OS can't have a
simple, friendly interface").  Usability can be achieved if there is a
commitment do do so.  Perhaps someone might have a better idea of
relative ease-of-use for different operating systems.  If so, send
feedback directly to me and I'll update my figure.  The idea behind
this figure is that the design target is the upper right corner, i.e.
high performance that is easy to use.  All the performance in the world
will only get you a limited market share if it takes a rocket scientist
to routinely get anything useful out (e.g., Unix).  On the other hand,
a truly easy-to-use system will create new markets and opportunities
(e.g., Macintosh and dektop publishing).  This crude figure will give
you the idea (and will serve as a classic example of the tool
limitations of the current state-of-the-art system I'm using to write
this; new OSs and standards will likely offer graphics, sound, and
video in their e-mail environments).

	 10 |		|	     |
	    |	High P	|   Design   |
	    |	Low U	|   Target   |
      P	    |		|	     |
      O	    |___________|____________|
      W	    |		|    	     |
      E	    |	Low P	|   Low P    |
      R	    |	Low U	|   High U   |
	    |		|            |
	  0			   10

With (hypothetical, projected to late 1994) data filled in:

	 10 |		|	     |
	    |	     	|     	  4  |
	    |1	        2            |
      P	    |	        |     3      |
      O	    |___________|____________|
      W	    |		|    	     |
      E	    |	        |   	     |
      R	    |59		|   6 	     |
	    |		|        7   |
	  0			   10

1 = SPARC-based UNIX system
2 = SPARC-based UNIX with Motif GUI (COSE)
3 = Pentium with WindowNT or Chicago
4 = 80 MHz PowerPC with Taligent Pink (late 94?)
5 = 486 standard Unix system
6 = 486 with Windows 3
7 = 68040 Mac with System 7.x or PPC in Mac emulation mode
8 = 68030 Mac with System 7.x
9 = 486 with DOS
Off the scale very high and to the right (30/9) = PowerPC 620 with Pink

The bottom line is that PowerPC's user-friendly parentage (Apple) will
most likely make its native OS (Pink) a formidable contender, if not
the leader, in usability comparisons.  I believe that the marketplace
of the mid 1990's and beyond will no longer tolerate unfriendly
software and hardware.  Too many good examples will be around, hence
the operational costs of unusable systems will become glaringly
apparent.  Band-Aids like COSE won't survive against new systems
designed from the ground up.  Pink must eventually be ported to Intel
to truly succeed, but starting out on a PowerPC might help the OS take
hold.  Also, PowerPC's superior floating point performance relative to
Pentium may make Pink consistently function better on PowerPC.  The
trend is toward all OSs running on all microprocessors.  Nevertheless,
my guess is that PPC/Pink will consistently appear high and to the

8) History Is on PowerPC's Side

Historically, I believe I read somewhere that if a new system can offer
50% more performance at something like 75% of the price, it succeeds in
the marketplace.  Using the current high-end 486 architecture as the
current baseline, PowerPC offers 2 to 30 times (in some demos) the
performance at less than 60% of the price.

9) NT Doesn't Matter Anyway

NT has a relatively small market with lots of competitors; the real
market is Chicago in the near term and the Object-Oriented OS of the
future (Pink & Cairo) in the long term.  NT takes too much memory, like
Unix, to fit on most existing desktops, hence its potential market is
nothing like MS/DOS.  I heard one expert (Micheal Slater of
Microprocessor Reports) say the total market for NT may only be 2 M,
which is a lot by Unix standards but small by PC standards.  The NT pie
will be split among a number of competitors:  Pentium, Alpha, MIPS,
PowerPC, 486, and someday maybe SPARC.  The cost of memory will drop by
the time the Object-Oriented systems arrive, and those OSs may also have
built-in efficiencies and features that justify upgrades.

10) PPC Can Match or Beat Its Competition in Performance and Technology

To make this point, I offer my current processor file.  A caveat is
that in reading this list, one must take into account the level of
integration of each chipset; some are almost complete and some need
assorted cache and memory controllers and I/O bus interfaces.  In this
sense SPARC, for example, may be more competitive than it appears based
on SPECmarks alone.  Also, one must realize that any new microprocessor
generation leapfrogs over the one before.  What is important for the
PowerPC is that analysts like Michael Slater of Microprocessor Reports
believe that Motorola is *absolutely* committed to PowerPC for the long
haul.  If the first generation PPC doesn't win they will keep on trying
and trying until they succeed in creating the x86 architecture of the
2000s.  All data is from published sources like EE Times and product
literature.  I put this together by reading during my lunch breaks over
the past 6 months and updating an e-mail (to myself) with any new
numbers as I found them.  This is a week or two old, and I know a few
things need updated.  I have also included some relatively outdated
processors (e.g., 386 and 68030) as a basis for comparison.  I'd
appreciate any corrections being sent directly to me.  I'll publish an
updated table if there is interest.


Microprocessor		Clock Speed	SPECmark Rating		Cost

Alpha (DEC 21064)	150MHz		74.3 SPECint92		$853
30 Watts				126.1 SPECfp92
little-endian or
endian neutral
8k cache; 431 pins

Alpha (DEC 133)		?		65.3 SPECint92		?
					112.2 SPECfp92

Alpha (DEC 21064)	200MHz		106.5 SPECint92		$1,231 (QTY)
16K cache on chip			200.4 SPECfp92
4Mb cache off chip

Alpha AXP (DEC 21066)	166MHz		70 SPECint92		$385 (5K)
built-in MMU & PCI			105 SPECfp92
below 10 W ?
not multi-processor;
graphics controller;
287 pins; 8k cache;
integration eliminates
need for most system
logic parts

Alpha (DEC 21068)	133MHz?		56 SPECint92		?
8.5 W					84 SPECfp92

PowerPC 601		66MHz		62 SPECint92		$374
(Motorola, IBM, Apple)			72 SPECfp92		$280 (QTY)
2.8M transistors
4-metal, BiCMOS
0.65 microns
die size: 11mm x 11mm
32K cache on chip
8.5 Watts, bi-endian,
32-bit address, 64-bit
data, 52-bit virtual
die area 0.185
3.6 Volts

demo at Apple Devl.	80MHz		75 SPECint92		?
Conference (5/93)			87 SPECfp92
IBM plans to ship
systems at this speed

PowerPC 601		50MHz		47 SPECint92		<$280
6.5 Watts				54 SPECfp92

PowerPC 603		66MHz		62 SPECint92 (est)	<$200
<4 Watts				72 SPECfp92 (est)
(by 12/93)
for portables

PowerPC 604		?		160-180 SPECint92 (est)	?
(by 6/94)				210-240 SPECfp92 (est)
for desktop wkstations
performance estimates
based on press reports
of 3x 601
3.3 Volts, 6 Watts
die area 0.128 sq. in.

PowerPC 620		?		250 SPECint92 (est)	?
full 64-bit version			330 SPECfp92 (est)
of PowerPC architecture
(by 9/94)
(420/560 SPEC possible)

PowerPC 400 (IBM)	?		?			?
32-bit embedded mp;
aimed at low-end PDAs
description due 12/93
design by IBM in NC	

Power 6264 (IBM)	62.5MHz		59.2 SPECint92		?	
32K cache on chip			124.8 SPECfp92
64K cache off chip

RS4132 (IBM)		41.7MHz		34.6 SPECint92		?
					65.0 SPECfp92

Pentium (Intel)		66MHz		64.5 SPECint92		$950 in vol
3.2M transistors			56.9 SPECfp92		$965/1000
0.80 microns
die size 16.8mm x 17.6mm
die area 0.416 sq. in.
16K cache on chip
116 mips

256K cache off chip	60MHz		58.3 SPECint92		$900 in vol
13-16 Watts				52.2 SPECfp92		$878/1000

Pentium II (Intel)	66MHz		64 SPECint92 (est)
die area 0.235 sq. in.			57 SPECfp92 (est)
3.3 Volts, 6.5 Watts
0.60 microns			

P54C-133 (Intel)	133MHZ		120 SPECint92 (est)
					110 SPECfp92 (est)

P6-125 (Intel)		125 MHz		160 SPECint92 (est)
					150 SPECfp92 (est)

microSPARC (TI)		25MHz		13.8 SPECint92		?
SPARCstation 1, LC)			14.0 SPECfp92
all current SPARC are

			40MHz		19.6 SPECint92		?
					21.2 SPECfp92

SPARCclassic		50MHz		26.4 SPECint92		?
					21.0 SPECfp92

microSPARC (TI)		50MHz		26.4 SPECint92		$179 (QTY)	
(SPARCstation 2,LX)			21.0 SPECfp92
6K cache on chip, none
off, includes mem
controller & SBus
aka "Tsunami"

microSPARC II (Fujitsu)	75-100 MHz	?			?
24K cache on chip,
none off, icludes
memory controller
and SBus interface

Power up (Weitek)	80MHz		32.2 SPECint92		$1500 (one)
clock doubling chip			31.1 SPECfp92
for SPARCstation2 &
IPX; 24kbyte cache;
external 40MHz clock;
pin compatible w SS2
and IPX

SuperSPARC LC (TI)	40MHz		45.2 SPECint92		$299 (10K)	
(SPARCstation 10)	w/o mxcc	54.0 SPECfp92
36K cache on chip
1Mb cache off chip	40MHz		53.2 SPECint92		?
aka "Viking"		with 1MB	63.4 SPECfp92
0.8 micron BiCMOS

SuperSPARC+ (TI)	50MHz		65.2 SPECint92		$549 (10K)
(SPARC10 Model 51)	with 1MB	83.0 SPECfp92

SuperSPARK+ (TI)	60MHz		77-80 SPECint92		$849 (10K)
			with 1MB	95-100 SPECfp92

SuperSPARC II (TI)	?		>100 SPECint92		?
1994, dual-launch FPU			to 200 SPECfp92

HyperSPARC (FMI)	55MHz		? 			?
16 KB on chip cache			 
now modules only
256 KB off chip		66MHz		? 			?
dual MBus modules			

Thunder (Hyundai)	?		?			?
metaflow design

microSPARC II (FMI)			50-60 Specint92		?
3.3 v, low power			92 SPECfp92
for laptops, embedded
apps; announced 5/93

ultraSPARC I & II	?		?			?
64-bit, CMOS .5 micron,
four-scalar, four-level
metal, dual launch FPUs,
uni- and multi-processor
bi-endian, 1995

ultraSPARC III				700-1000 SPECint92	?
64-bit, BiCMOS .4 micron
bi-endian, 1997					
PA7100 (HP)		99MHz		80 SPECint92		?	
no cache on chip			150.6 SPECfp92
512K cache off chip

PA-RISC 1.1 (HP)	66MHz		51.1 SPECint92		?
					75.0 SPECfp92

PA-RISC 1.1 (HP)	50MHz		32.8 SPECint92		?
					47.6 SPECfp92

R4400 (MIPS, SGI)	75MHz/150MHz	94.2 SPECint92		?
32K cache on chip			105.2 SPECfp92
4Mb cache off chip

R4000PC (MIPS, SGI)	50MHz		34 SPECint92
standard in Indy			35 SPECfp92
100 MHz internal clock

R4000SC (MIPS, SGI)	50MHz		58.3 SPECint92
option in Indy				61.5 SPECfp92
100 MHz internal clock

R4000 clones
2-3 Watts, NT available	?		?			?
80486DX3 (Intel)	100MHz		48.3 SPECint92		$500
33/100MHz (clock			24 SPECfp92
trippled); 12/93

80486DX (Intel)		66MHz		32.2 SPECint92		$500 (est.)	
little-endian				16 SPECfp92
54 mips

			33Mhz		16.1 SPECint92		$264 (ave.)
					8.5 SPECfp92

80486SX	(Intel)		33MHz		11 SPECmarks		$64 (Ave.)	

80386 (Intel)		33MHz		3 SPECmarks		?	

Am486DX	(AMD)		33-40MHz	clone 486		$306

Am486DX2-50 (AMD)	50Mz		clone 486		$417
clock doubled version

68060 (Motorola)	?		60 SPECmarks (est)	?
0.5 micron, 2.8M			(Pentium class)
transistors, 5 watts,
3 volts

68040			25MHz		18 SPECmarks		?	
big-endian		33MHz		23.7 SPECmarks
			40MHz		28.8 SPECmarks (41.8 Mips)

68030			25MHz		4 SPECmarks		?

Clipper (Integraph)	?		?			?

(no data available)

Please send comments and corrections to: 70214.1036acompuserve.com

Craig Hartley

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