Complex and imaginary

Al Vermeulen uunet!!alv
Wed Nov 17 13:21:00 PST 1993

FT>      WG9 N177 Proposed Standard for Packages of Real and Complex Type
FT>      Declarations and Basic Operations for Ada (including Vector and
FT>      Matrix Types) ISO-IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG9 (Ada) Numerics Rapporteur Group
FT>      Draft 1.0 22 April 1993
FT>      WG9 N178 Proposed Standard for a Generic Package of Complex
FT>      Elementary Functions for Ada ISO-IEC/JTC1/SC22/WG9 (Ada) Numerics
FT>      Rapporteur Group Draft 1.3 19 April 1993

I recently proposed complex classes for C++ to the ANSI C++ committee
X3J16.  I did not include imaginary classes; instead I stuck fairly
close to David Knaak's NCEG proposal.  I'm interested in reading the
rational behind the decision to include imaginary in the set of Ada
types.  Do you have info on how I can get copies of the documents you
cite above?


- Al

Al Vermeulen,  | "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery"
Rogue Wave Software               |      - Bob Marley, mon

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