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Mailbox for scan-93
Wed Feb 17 04:52:03 PST 1993

                Second Announcement and Call for Papers

                           S  C  A  N  -  9  3

            I M A C S / G A M M  International Symposium on

     Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics

                2 6  -  2 9  S e p t e m b e r  1 9 9 3

                Technical University of Vienna, AUSTRIA

S c o p e

This conference continues the series of SCAN-xx Symposia which have previously
been held at Karlsruhe, Basel, Albena(Bulgaria), and Oldenburg, under the joint
sponsorship of IMACS and GAMM. These conferences have traditionally covered
the numerical and algorithmic aspects of Scientific Computing, with a strong
emphasis on the algorithmic validation of results and on algorithmic and arith-
metic tools for this purpose.

"Validation" or "verification" characterizes those efforts in Scientific Com-
puting which strive to generate - concurrently with numerical results - quali-
tative and quantitative assertions about the results which are correct in a
rigorous mathematical sense. Typical examples of such efforts are

  -  the specification of a domain in which a solution of a given problem

  -  the computation of close upper and lower bounds for the result of a given

Assertions from algorithmic validation have the same correctness quality as
assertions obtained by classical mathematical methods of derivation and proof.

Because of this quality, Validated Numerics has developed into an important
subject within the fast growing area of Scientific Computing. SCAN-93 will
provide a forum for the

  -  presentation of the latest research and developments in theory, algor-
     ithmic and arithmetic design for Validated Numerics,

  -  demonstration of new software available for Validated Numerics,

  -  reporting of interesting case studies in industrial and scientific
     applications of Validated Numerics,

and for the discussion of new directions in research and development suggested
by other advances in Scientific Computing. Potential new directions are the
use of parallel architectures for the implementation of validation algorithms
and the use of validation ideas in Computer Algebra.

Furthermore, the conference should help in the dissemination of the ideas and
potentials of Validated Numerics to interested scientists from other areas of
Scientific Computing.

Within the scope of SCAN-93, there is no restriction regarding the mathematical
or applicational background of the problems to be reported: Algebra, analysis,
optimization, probability etc. are equally welcome.

O r g a n i z a t i o n

S c i e n t i f i c   C o m m i t t e e

G.Alefeld (Karlsruhe), G.Corliss (Milwaukee), A.Frommer (Wuppertal), J.Herz-
berger (Oldenburg), S.Markov (Sofia), D.Matula (Dallas), A.Neumaier (Freiburg),
S.Rump (Hamburg-Harburg), H.J.Stetter (Vienna).

O r g a n i z i n g   C o m m i t t e e

W.Auzinger, J.Schneid, G.Schranz-Kirlinger, H.J.Stetter (TU Vienna).

V e n u e   a n d   F o r m a t

SCAN-93 will be held at the Technical University of Vienna, in the Mathematics/
Physics/Mechanics Building at  Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8. The Technical University
is located just south of the central part of Vienna, in the Karlsplatz area,
within a 15 minutes' walk from St.Stephen's Cathedral, the center of town.
Classes will not be in session during the time of the conference.

The program of SCAN-93 will begin on Sunday, 26 Sept., at 10:00, with regis-
ration available from 8:30; the scientific program will end in the late after-
noon of Wednesday, 29 Sept. The conference language will be English. There will
be plenary sessions of highlighted papers (40 min.) and parallel sessions of
regular papers (25 min.). Facilities for posters will be provided if there is 
sufficient demand (cf. registration form).

Facilities for demonstrations will be available, but hardware and software
requirements must be specified well in advance. The organization of ad-hoc
meetings of participants with common interests is encouraged and will be

Refreshments will be provided during morning and afternoon breaks. The univer-
sity's central cafeteria is located in the conference building; it will serve
lunches on all days of the conference (incl. Sunday).

S u b m i s s i o n   o f   P a p e r s

You are kindly invited to submit a paper for presentation at the conference.
Ordinarily, your paper will be scheduled in an appropriate session of regular
papers (in parallel with at least one other such session); regular papers have
time slots of 25 min. (incl.discussions). 

The plenary sessions will feature the highlighted papers, most of which will
be invited. A few submitted papers which appear to be of a particular general
interest may be scheduled for a plenary session, with a time slot of 40 min.

Of each submitted paper, we must receive an  e x t e n d e d  a b s t r a c t
of approximately one printed page by 30 April 1993, in electronic form. The
abstract must contain sufficient technical detail to permit refereeing and
appropriate scheduling.

Each submitted paper will be refereed on the basis of its extended abstract.
Submissions will be rejected only if they are clearly outside the scope of the
conference or inadequate for presentation. The potential selection of high-
lighted papers will also be based on the extended abstracts. If you feel that
your submission may qualify for "highlighting" you should indicate this at the
top of your abstract (see below).

The extended abstracts must be submitted by e-mail to


either without special editing or in LaTeX. (Please, do not use any other edit-
ing system.) The head of the abstract must contain the author's name, affili-
ation, and address, and his/her e-mail and fax addresses. If there are several
authors, the addresses must refer to the author presenting the paper, and the
names of the other authors must be in parantheses. If you wish to suggest that
your paper be considered for "highlighting" you should indicate this below the
title of your paper.

D e a d l i n e  for extended abstracts:    3 0  A p r i l  9 3 .

P r o c e e d i n g s

It is planned to initiate special issues of relevant journals for the publi-
cation of papers presented at SCAN-93 which are not published through other
channels. The papers will be refereed by the respective journals.

S o c i a l   A c t i v i t i e s

All participants of SCAN-93 and all accompanying persons are kindly invited to
the following events:

W e l c o m e   G a t h e r i n g

At the end of the scientific program on Sunday, 26 Sept., there will be a
Welcome Gathering on the university premises.

T o w n - H a l l   R e c e p t i o n

In the evening of Monday, 27 Sept., at 20:00, there will be a cocktail recep-
tion of the Lord Mayor of Vienna at the Town-Hall for SCAN-93.

E x c u r s i o n

The afternoon of Tuesday, 28 Sept., will be reserved for an excursion by bus to
the beautiful surroundings of Vienna, with visits of outstanding cultural sites.

F a r e w e l l   E v e n i n g

In the evening of Wednesday, 29 Sept., we will gather at a "Heurigen" (tradi-
tional wine restaurant) in the outskirts of Vienna to enjoy ourselves with
wine, local food, and music.

For the accompanying persons there will be a special

C o f f e e   H o u r

on Sunday, 26 Sept., after the opening of the conference, in the conference
building. Suggestions for sightseeing and shopping in Vienna will be given.

A c c o m o d a t i o n 

Vienna is very popular with tourists (besides having a large share of business
visitors), with high season extending well into October. Therefore it is abso-
lutely necessary that you register until

                   2 3   J u l y   9 3

except if you will procure accomodation on your own. (If you submit a paper
you should send your registration with your extended abstract if possible.)

The Organizing Committee has been able to secure block reservations in two
highgrade student dormitories near the conference building which are run as
hotels ("summer hotels") during the summer; but we can hold them only until
the end of July. There are single rooms, and double rooms with separated beds,
all with private shower and toilet. As there are by far more doubles than
singles, you may wish to agree with another participant to share a double.
Please, indicate this on your registration form (b o t h  partners must agree).
The reservations will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis as long
as rooms are available. If all rooms have been assigned your request will be
turned into a regular hotel request; see below.

Prices for these rooms vary slightly; they are approx. AuS 500 for singles and
AuS 800 for doubles per night, including a buffet breakfast and all taxes and
fees. (1 DM = 7 AuS, 1 US$ =appr. 11 AuS)

If you have indicated preference of a regular hotel or failed to secure a room
at a summer hotel, your accomodation request on the registration form will be
handed over by us to an agency for processing. Prices will depend on the part-
icular hotel and should be expected in the following ranges (per night, with
breakfast and all taxes and fees):

                First Class           Comfort           Standard

Single        AuS 1000 - 1700     AuS  700 - 900      AuS 350 - 600

Double        AuS 1500 - 2000     AuS 1000 - 1400     AuS 500 - 900

The agency will attempt to provide accomodation near the conference building.

Note that we must have your registration with the accomodation request until
23 July. In the case of hotel reservation, you will then receive an invoice
for the full prepayment of your accomodation. Your reservation will be con-
firmed and vouchers mailed if payment is received until 25 August, otherwise
your reservation will be cancelled.

We apologize for these harsh and inconvenient conditions; but the hotel situ-
ation in central Vienna is tense during most of the year, and September is par-
ticularly bad. Naturally, you may choose to secure your accomodation through
some other means.

C o n f e r e n c e   O f f i c e 

The conference office will be located on the first floor (i.e. one floor up)
of the conference building (Wiedner Hauptstr.8), in Tower A which has green
walls inside.

The conference office will be open

   on Sunday, 26 Sept.      from  8:30  to  18:30,

on the following days from 8:15 to the end of the scientific program. Its staff
will assist you in all matters and help in solving your potential difficulties.

All activities of SCAN-93 (except lunch) will take place in Tower A (the
"green tower"). Note that another conference (EPDIC-3) will go on in the same
building; but it will be restricted to Towers B and C which have yellow and
red walls resp.

B e f o r e  the beginning of the conference, all communications regarding
SCAN-93 should be directed to 


     fax:          ++43-1-568093 , marked "SCAN-93"

     mail:         Organizing Committee SCAN-93
                   Tech. Univ. Vienna  115.2
                   Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
                   A - 1040  Vienna / AUSTRIA

     phone:        ++43-1-58801-5408 or 5413 or 5414

Please, use e-mail or fax whenever possible.

S e r v i c e s 

The following services will be available for participants:

E - m a i l

Each participant may request an e-mail address at the local host, with address


with  xxxxxx  as specified by you on your registration form. This address will
be valid from 1 Sept. to 30 Sept. 1993.

PCs will be available for reading and printing and for sending e-mail messages.

F a x

You may receive fax communications under   ++43-1-568093   . There must be a
cover sheet, with "SCAN-93" and your name and affiliation clearly indicated.

You may hand in fax communications for dispatching at the conference office;
you will be charged the cost of the transmission.

T e l e p h o n e

You may make self-dialling long distance calls from the conference office;
you will be charged the cost of the call.

P o s t   O f f i c e

A public post office is located within 2 minutes from the conference building.
It will be open  8:00 - 18:00  Monday through Friday, but closed on Sunday.

C o m p u t i n g   F a c i l i t i e s

Upon request, you may access specified computing facilities from the PCs.

F t p 

You may use ftp facilities from designated PCs.

T r a v e l

Two travel agencies are in the immediate vicinity of the conference building.
They will assist you in all relevant matters.

C o n f e r e n c e   F e e s

The conference fee for ordinary participants is    AuS  900 .
(1 DM = 7 AuS, 1 US$ =appr. 11 AuS subject to fluctuations.)

This fee covers the conference materials (the final program, a booklet with all
abstracts, general information, maps etc.), all services of the conference
office, refreshments at morning and afternoon breaks, the Welcome Gathering,
Reception and Excursion, and the wine (and other beverages) at the Farewell
Evening. Daily lunches and the food at the Farewell Evening are not covered.

For accompanying persons, there is a fee of   AuS  200 . It covers the Coffee
Hour at the opening of the conference, and all social events as listed above.

To avoid the excessive bank charges for the cashing of foreign cheques and for
other means of international money transfer, the fees will be collected at the
registration on Sunday morning,

       i n   A u s t r i a n   c u r r e n c y   o n l y .

As regular banks will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, please, do not forget
to obtain Austrian currency upon arrival at the airport or railroad station
where exchange counters are available. Within European countries, it may be
more convenient to obtain a supply of Austrian currency before departure.

No cheques or credit cards of any kind will be honored at the conference
office, or at the university cafeteria!

Please, come early for registration on Sunday morning so that nobody will miss
the first lecture because of excessive queues.

W e a t h e r

As everywhere in central Europe, weather in Vienna is characterized by its
changeability and consequential unpredictability. At the end of September,
we may have sunny summer days, with day-time temperatures between 20 and 25
degrees centigrade, but we may also have cold and rainy weather with temper-
atures around 10 degrees C. Please, be prepared for this wide variation.

O t h e r   M a t h e m a t i c s   C o n f e r e n c e

Immediately prior to SCAN-93, the Annual Conference of the German Mathematical
Union (DMV) is held, jointly with the Austrian Mathematical Society (OeMG),
at the University of Linz, Austria, 190 km west of Vienna, from Monday, 
20 Sept., to Friday, 24 Sept. Information about this meeting which covers all
disciplines of Mathematics may be obtained from 

            Doz. Walter Zulehner
            University of Linz
            A - 4040  Linz / AUSTRIA

F u r t h e r   C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Everybody who has submitted a paper will receive a notice about its status
before the end of June.

Everybody who has requested accomodation by 23 July will be sent a notice about
its status and - in the case of hotel accomodation - an invoice for prepayment
around 1 August. Please, indicate an appropriate address for this communication
on your registration form if necessary. 

Everybody who has registered for the conference will receive a further communi-
cation by the end of August, with details about the conference, instructions on
how to reach the conference building and other useful information. Please, in-
dicate an appropriate address for this communication on your registration form.


                 R E G I S T R A T I O N   F O R M

Please copy, complete, and return this form electronically if possible to


                        S  C  A  N  -  9  3

                   2 6  -  2 9  S e p t e m b e r

                   V i e n n a  ,   A u s t r i a

Last name

Given name(s)

Position, affiliation

Accompanying person's name(s)

E-mail address x)

Fax address x)

Postal address x)

x) If necessary provide alternate addresses for the summer, with dates;
   see "Further Communications"

             S u b m i s s i o n   o f   P a p e r s

I intend to present a paper     [  ]  Yes      [  ]  No

Title of paper 

The extended abstract (one printed page) has been sent by e-mail on (specify).
I would like to have my paper considered as a candidate for a high-lighted
paper                           [  ]  Yes      [  ]  No

I would like to present my paper as a poster
                                [  ]  Yes      [  ]  No

In case of scheduling problems  o n l y, I would

[  ]  agree to present my paper as a poster

[  ]  rather have more parallelism in the program

For the presentation of my paper, the following facilities beyond overhead
projection will be 



I would like to give computer demonstrations   
                                [  ]  Yes      [  ]  No

If yes, I have specified my precise needs separately.

I am interested in having my paper published in the context of the conference;
see "Proceedings"               [  ]  Yes      [  ]  No

If yes, I declare that the material is original and has not been submitted for
publication elsewhere.

                      A c c o m o d a t i o n s

Date of arrival in Vienna

Date of departure from Vienna

I would like to obtain accomodation through the conference organization
                                [  ]  Yes      [  ]  No

I wish to stay at one of the summer hotels (rooms with shower and toilet) and
need a
               [  ]  single room         [  ]  double room

If necessary, I am willing to share a double room (separated beds) with 
(specify; other person must specify you)

If I cannot be assigned at a summer hotel my preference is as specified below.

I wish to stay at a regular hotel and need a
               [  ]  single room         [  ]  double room
     [  ]  first class   [  ]  comfort class   [  ]  standard class

I realize that I will have to prepay the full cost immediately upon receiving
the invoice.

                      E - m a i l   A d d r e s s

I wish to have the following e-mail address at the conference (replace crosses)

I would like to use ftp during the conference
                           [  ]  Yes           [  ]  No

Special requests or remarks:

                             P a y m e n t

My payment at the conference, in Austrian currency only, is

       Participant's fee         AuS   900

       Accompanying person(s)    AuS           (AuS 200 each)
       Total                     AuS

                 Organizing Committee SCAN-93
                 Tech. Univ. Vienna  115.2
                 Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
                 A - 1040  Vienna / AUSTRIA

----- End Included Message -----

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