No subject

sun!!doug sun!!doug
Thu Dec 6 19:06:12 PST 1990

A point of clarification: C++ is still squarely within the
purview of ANSI X3J16, which has by no means yet dissolved
itself into ISO.  It has already committed itself to 
Ellis and Stroustrup, "The Annotated C++ Reference Manual",
not ANSI C, as the working base document.  It is hard to 
imagine that X3J16 would fall on its sword in favor of
a totally new language design.  It exists, after all, to
*standardize*, and it represents piles of working software
and production compilers.  Small adjustments to overcome
unnecessary differences between C and C++ will doubtless
be made, but no wholesale reconstruction.  If X3J16 is to be
absorbed into ISO, it seems likely that a condition will
be no significant change in marching orders.

Doug McIlroy
(not connected with X3 or ISO)

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