[Granville-Hough] Granville Hough was born 100 years ago today

Trustees for Granville W. Hough gwhough-trust at oakapple.net
Sun Dec 18 06:50:05 PST 2022

I never heard my father, Granville Hough, say anything about hoping to live
to be 100.   He knew it wasn't in his genes, and he was glad to make it to 87.


But I know he would have liked to see his great-granddaughter 
Samantha Jean Hough, born on May 24, 2021.    As it happens, today is the fourth
Sunday of Advent, and I am a scripture reader in church.    Samantha
is due to make her first appearance in church today - a chance to meet the
three other young children who've recently joined our congregation.
I will be wearing the same shirt I've worn for her all her life - a Ben Davis
shirt with a picture of a monkey and two pockets where she can put things
and take them out, and buttons that she can push and I will sing
"Do you know the button man, the button man, the button man" to the tune
of "Do you know the muffin man".

I remember a story that my father usually wore a red plaid shirt when I
was new, and the one time he did not, I didn't know who he was and cried.
I'll try to avoid that with Samantha for a while!

I will mention some of these things during our sharing announcements time
at church today.

David Granville Hough

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