[Granville-Hough] 7 Mar 2009 - Hell and Alzheimers

Trustees for Granville W. Hough gwhough-trust at oakapple.net
Sat Mar 4 06:26:41 PST 2017

This will be my last rebroadcast until 12 March 2017.    At that time
I will resume twice-a-day rebroadcasts until I'm caught up.   David Hough.

Date: Sat, 07 Mar 2009 12:47:58 -0800
From: Granville W Hough <gwhough at oakapple.net>
Subject: Hell & Alzheimers - 7 Mar 2009

     Today I saw my first butterflies, two of them.  One was a little 
larger than the other.  With the wings spread out it measured about four 
inches across, and about four inches long.  It was yellow with a 
greenish tint, and it had bright black markings on its fringes.  It was 
feeding on flowers of the verbena-like plant which the bees do not 
touch.  The honeybees were very busy with their own work on the aromatic 
sage-like plant. So Spring must be here, and I was told that tonight we 
change our clocks in the Spring-forward mode.  Easter and Passover must 
be coming soon, so I got my traditional Kosher Concord grape juice.  I 
also got some Kosher borsch, which I may try with my last serving of 
Brenda's chicken.


I did Bible Study for Alzheimer's patients (one week in 2005) on
the latter prophets, and it went fairly well.
The following week I did the philosophical books, Psalms, Proverbs,
Ecclesiastes, Job, etc.
     The Sunday between, our young assistant pastor's sermon was on 
HELL, and I followed it carefully.  I also read a treatise on the 
subject put out by Lutherans.
  (Some years ago, Carol and I had joined the Evangelical Lutherans
because they were building a grade school for educating Christian
children.  We wanted to help out in that endeavor.  That has been very
successful, and the same pastor is now building a Lutheran High School.)
        However, I decided HELL would be a subject I would never mention in 
Bible Study.  After
all, who is there more in HELL for no reason than an Alzheimer's
patient?  Job's torment was that all these bad things happened and he
was aware of them.  The Alzheimer's patient's torment is that these bad
things have happened, but no one let them know. Or maybe the fear these
bad things were happening but no one was telling them.  If hell is
worse, it must be the temperature.
     However, about the temperature.  I do have this insight from the
Eskimo population at Thule, Greenland.  On hearing HELL described as a
hot, full-of-fire place, the Eskimos were extremely interested, saying:
" Tell me how to get there.  I've got my dog team, right here, ready to
go."  When told it was a punishment for eternity, the Eskimos said
simply: "Oh, NO, you heard it all wrong.  That place for punishment is
cold, cold, and dark,dark, with no food.  That is the bad place you
don't want to go."
     So, no mention of HELL for the Alzheimer's Bible Study.  I also
left out Job, for good measure.  I knew I was not smart enough to
explain either one.  With love,

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