[Granville-Hough] Warrior Hike

Trustees for Granville W. Hough gwhough-trust at oakapple.net
Mon Mar 3 06:53:02 PST 2014

Today, on the fourth anniversary of my father's passing, I'll mention a
project that would have interested him, that I read about in his VFW
magazine that he's still getting.   Although he served in Korea and Greenland
(and in the Canal Zone and Puerto Rico) those were all peacetime tours,
so I'm not sure how he qualifies as a veteran of a foreign war, unless they
count the Cold War.

Nowadays we have plenty of hot wars and plenty of veterans coming back from
them, many in pretty bad physical or psychological shape.     The Warrior
Hike project  


follows in the steps of Earl Shaffer to help returning veterans transition
back to peacetime.     The article I read was in the March 2014 issue of
VFW magazine, which does not seem to be online yet, but will probably appear 
eventually at 


When I mentioned this on the Pacific Crest Trail mailing list,
I got these other related links:


Granville Hough would have enjoyed hearing about and
supporting such programs.      Some of our happiest memories are of hiking
between the High Sierra Camps in Yosemite National Park with Grampa and
his grandchildren Susanna and Kendrick.      If the next generation arrives
in time, I hope to do the same with them... I'm about the same age my
father was when we started our Yosemite trips.


But his hair was still dark at my age while mine is white!

David Hough

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