<html><div style='background-color:'><P>An Internet Cafe in Carrion de los Condes! Open usual Spanish business hours, but a chance to check email and write a few words about a good season for the trek to Santiago. The weather has been nearly perfect for walking, a little warm midday but otherwise comfortable with only a few drops of rain this afternoon. Lots of revisions to the Camnio in the past three years, most of them for the better. Almost all of the stretches where it was necessary to walk on the shoulder of the road in 1998 have been replaced with off-road trails, no need to fear oncoming traffic. Waymarkings have improved in places, though not everywhere.</P>
<P>The Camino is far more crowded this October than it was in 1998, and by 6 pm the albergues are nearly full. Indeed, the private albergue here was booked for the weekend, a long holiday weekend in Spain, at least 5 days ago when I tried to make a reservation. I expect that once beyond Leon it will be quite crowded. </P>
<P>Am making detailed notes to post on my website <A href="http://www.communities.msn.com/CaminoSantiago">http://www.communities.msn.com/CaminoSantiago</A> when I get enough time to put them together.</P>
<P>E. O. Pederson</P></div><br clear=all><hr>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at <a href='http://go.msn.com/bql/hmtag_itl_EN.asp'>http://explorer.msn.com</a><br></html>