[Gocamino] Please help Tomas of Manjarin

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 02:06:42 PST 2014

Dear Pilgrims.
CAMPAÑA to HELP the TOMAS DE MANJARIN: As everyone should be aware, Tomas
de Manjarin last week was admitted to a Hospital of Leon where he had open
heart surgery to replace 2 heart valves and put in a pacemaker.   Thomas
has left the Hospital and is recovering very well in a borrowed apartment
by friends for 30 days in Molinaseca, near a pharmacy and 8 minutes from

I talked to Tomas a few minutes, and one of his great concerns was how are
we going to get money for his medical maintenance during this period.
Manjarin continues to be served by volunteers and friends, but
the donations of pilgrims is still little and inadequate to meet his costs.

Friends we are REQUESTING you to help TOMAS of MANJARIN.  For those who can
and those who wish to contribute with any value.  All of you know that
Thomas doesn't need many things, he is a simple person, and deserves right
now this solidarity, love and money.
HELP who CAN: make available via our PayPal account from our website:
any value to be donated. The system is easy and secure with best rates
and even more may join 5, 10, 20 EUR or the value that each can contribute.

United we can do a lot to SHARE THIS MSN please thanks of heart Acacio &


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