[Gocamino] (no subject)

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 11:39:41 PST 2013


In the late afternoon yesterday, January 1, died D. Jenaro Cebrian Franco.
 Mr MI Jenaro Cebrian Franco was born on January 9, 1935 in the parish of
San Miguel dos Agros of Santiago Compostela.
 He was ordained on September 21, 1957, that year being intended as a
curate to the parish of Santa Maria del Camino in Santiago. In 1961, he was
appointed Incumbent of the Cathedral, a position he exercised
simultaneously with teaching at the College Peleteiro, and, from 1976, at
the Instituto Rosalia de Castro. It also handles the Chaplaincy of HH. La
Salle. In 1996, he was appointed chaplain of the JEC. Canon takes over as
the SAMI Cathedral in 1998, working from 2004 in the Office of Pilgrimages
and was appointed Deputy Diocesan Pilgrimage in 2006, a position he had in
the time of his death.

The funeral and burial will take place tomorrow, Thursday, January 3, in
the SAMI Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, at 12:00.


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