[Gocamino] if you have presented to a group about the camino

Richard Ferguson richard at fergusonsculpture.com
Thu Jun 28 13:48:16 PDT 2012

One question that I hear frequently relates to accommodations, what are the dormitories like, etc.    

One frequent confusion is that people think that they will be camping, like you would on a regular backpacking trip.

Another topic is the weight of the pack, and the contents of the pack.   (IE no tent or stove, but extra clothes).


On Jun 28, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Michael Barham wrote:

> Dear fellow pilgrims:
> If you have presented to groups about your pilgrimage experience, would you be willing to share with me what questions you find are most frequently asked about the Camino?  I'm giving a presentation to my church in a few weeks, and would like to prepare a handout with some "FAQs" so that I can spend some more time on specific aspects of the Camino experience that I want to make sure we have time to discuss.
> Thank you very much,
> Michael B+
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