[Gocamino] Banco de Santander en Sevilla

Rosina blaroli at aol.com
Wed Jan 26 07:14:28 PST 2011

The fantafabolous protest does not surprise me. As they say: "no es por nada que Sevilla rima con maravilla" (not for nothing does Seville rhyme with marvelous)
Perhaps it should be mentioned that that particular bank invested about 2 billion Euros of the depositors' money with the infamous Madoff. The funds were, of course, lost.  Further, it was revealed that a bank's employee had embezzled, without detection and over years, millions and millions of Euros. The bank has attempted to share the losses with all the depositors by hiking fees and charging investment accounts, etc.  Hence the protests.
What does surprise is that Madoff's criminal schemes reached so far. Perhaps the economic conditions in Spain have clouded the national judgement as it has been  said in Spain, for years and years, that going fishing with Americans carries the risk of ending up as the fish.
Oh well!
But, regardless of the economic blight, Andalucians managed to set up several new albergues last year, incorporated two more confraternities and are actively pursuing their two-year old plan to have an albergue every 25 kms. or so throughput the Via de la Plata.

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Spangler <gaspangler at hotmail.com>
To: †GoCamino OakApple <gocamino at oakapple.net>; †Yahoo Saint James <saintjames at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Jan 25, 2011 9:24 pm
Subject: [Gocamino] Banco de Santander en Sevilla

ow to stage a protest in Sevilla.
A creative and peaceful protest in concern to the economic crisis. Some 
evillanos held a "juerga flamenca" in the Banco de Santander at Constitution 
venue, Sevilla. I love the frolicking cow and the security guard's vain 
ttempts to control the situation. Ain't Spain Great?
Buen Camino,


esources for the Pilgrimage Road to Santiago 

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