[Gocamino] "I come as a pilgrim....."

Rosina blaroli at aol.com
Sat Nov 6 17:06:59 PDT 2010

Hello you all,
Here is a literal quotation of some of the Pope's words in Santiago, and an attempted translation thereof:

" Vengo como peregrino en este Año Santo Compostelano y traigo en el corazón el mismo amor a Cristo que movía al Apóstol Pablo a emprender sus viajes, ansiando llegar también a España. Deseo unirme a esa hilera de hombres y mujeres que, a lo largo de los siglos, han llegado a Compostela desde todos los rincones de la Península y de Europa, e incluso del mundo entero, para ponerse a los pies de Santiago y dejarse transformar por el testimonio de su fe".
"Siento una profunda alegría al estar de nuevo en España, que ha dado al mundo una pléyade de grandes santos, fundadores y poetas, como Ignacio de Loyola, Teresa de Jesús, Juan de la Cruz, Francisco Javier, entre otros muchos; la que en el siglo XX ha suscitado nuevas instituciones, grupos y comunidades de vida cristiana y acción apostólica; y en los últimos decenios, camina en concordia y unidad, en libertad y paz, mirando al futuro con esperanza y responsabilidad"

I come as a pilgrim this Compostelan year and I bring in my heart the same love of Christ that moved to Apostle Saint Paul to undertake his many travels wishing, also, to reach Spain.  I want to be a part of that endless line of men and women that through the centuries have come to Compostela from all the corners of the peninsula and of Europe and, indeed, from the entire world, to prostrate themselves at the feet of Santiago and be transformed by the testimony of their faith.
I feel a profound happiness to be again in Spain (a country) that has given the world a treasure trove of great saints,  religious founders and poets, such as Ignacio de Loyola, Teresa de Jesus, Juan de la Cruz, and Francis Xavier among so many others;  the Spain that in the twentieth century has generated new institutions, groups and communities of Christian life and apostolic action; and that through the last decades walks on in unity and good will, in freedom and in peace, looking towards the future with hope and responsibility."


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